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no never!!
Nothing will happen if liquid nitrogen spills on them but if it hits your eyes your eyes will be damaged.

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Q: Can anyone die if a liquid nitrogen accidentally spills on them?
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A technician accidentally spills a cleaning solution on the floor of the workshop. Where would the technician find instructions on how to properly clean up and dispose of the product?

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LOL, your dumb..

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A technician accidentally spills a cleaning solution on the floor of the workshop Where would the technician find instructions on how to properly clean up and dispose of the product?

Material Safety Data Sheet

Is antifreeze a noun verb or adjective?

It is a noun (a liquid substance) but may be used as a noun adjunct (e.g. antifreeze spills).

Does Anne Frank accidentally spill milk on Mrs. Vann Daan's coat?

Yes, in Anne Frank's diary, she recounts an incident where she accidentally spills milk on Mrs. Van Daan's coat. This event causes tension and leads to a heated discussion between the two.

A technician accidentally spills a cleaning solution on the floor of the workshopwhere would the technician find instruction on how to properly clean up and despose of the product?

Find out what company manufactures the cleaning product, and go to their web site.

When spills occur on the floor what is the first thing you should do?

It depends on what the spill is. If it's a harmless liquid, or one that is drinkable, wipe it up with a mop or paper towels.

Is it a good laboratory to practice to hold graduated cylinder when measuring volume in it and why?

Yes, holding a graduated cylinder is a good laboratory practice when measuring volume. It helps to ensure accurate measurements by providing a stable and controlled grip on the cylinder, preventing any accidental spills or errors in volume readings. Additionally, it promotes safety by reducing the risk of breakage or splashing of the liquid.