

Best Answer

1. From the sun to the earth, radiation

2. Heating lamp to you, radiation

3. You touching a hot stove, conduction

4. Heater blowing hot air, convection

5. Why the air heats up during the morning radiation from the ground, which is heated by radiation from the sun.

That's all I could think of on the top of my head.

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Q: Can anyone give me a list of about 12 places that heat travels and whether it's by convection conduction or radiation?
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Is a heater a conduction or convection?

Heater Is neither Conduction nor Convection... The Questions seems to be wrong... If you ask Whether the heat given by a heater is lost by conduction or Convection, then the answer is: YES! In a heater the heat is lost by all three processes namely Conduction , Convection and Radiation.

Why are good thermal conductors also good electrical conductors?

Metals are both good heat conductors and also good electrical conductors because of the looseness of outer electrons in metal atoms. A substance can absorb heat energy by the process of conduction, convection, and radiation.

Why does the matter expand when heated?

Heat energy causes all matter to expand, a reason for this strange occurrence is that when a particular substance receives heat whether it be through conduction, convection or radiation the atoms inside the substance become more energised therefor needing more space to move, they push the outside boundaries making the substance expand. If the substance receives an exceeding amount of heat energy it will change states of matter.

In is convection the main type of heat transfer?

Whether convection is the main type of heat transfer or not depends on the specific situation.

What is heat and why does some things feel cold or warm?

Heat is molecular vibration and can be transfer through eonduction, convection and radiation. Different object had different heat capacity and conduction. We human sense if it is hot or cold from whether we gain or loss heat. In a cold room, walking on cold carpet is still warm because we do not loss much heat to carpet but if we walk on stone or concrete, we loss heat rapidly and we feel it is cloder than carpet even it is at the same temperature.

Related questions

Is a heater a conduction or convection?

Heater Is neither Conduction nor Convection... The Questions seems to be wrong... If you ask Whether the heat given by a heater is lost by conduction or Convection, then the answer is: YES! In a heater the heat is lost by all three processes namely Conduction , Convection and Radiation.

What mediums can heat travel through?

Heat can move in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. In conduction, physical contact between two surfaces is required. The molecules of the heat source bang into the molecules of the heat sink, imparting some of their energy in the process, thus reducing the temperature of the heat source while increasing that of the heat sink. Heat can move by conduction through pretty much any mass, whether solid, liquid, gas, supercritical fluid, or plasma. In convection, a substance is heated by the heat source and then moved to another location where it can release some of its energy as heat. In the case of natural convection, the motion is a result of buoyancy forces, while in forced convection something like a fan or pump is responsible for moving the heated mass. For heat to travel in this manner the medium must be capable of movement - which generally excludes solids but includes gases, liquids, supercritical fluids, and plasmas. In radiation no medium is required to get the energy between the source and the sink. Heat can travel via radiation through a vacuum.

How does convection differ from convection?

Well it differs in this way. Conduction is when heat is applied to an object and causes mainly the point of contact to be heated. For example lighting a match under a metal rod. It will mainly heat the point of contact, eventually heating the rest of the rod. Additionally, conduction can be referred to when talking about electricity and whether a material can conduct or not. Convection is different as it disperses heat evenly through a liquid. For example, boiling water. A single point of the water is heated, then it rises, allowing colder water from the top to fall, heat, rise and creates a current, evenly heating the water. The same example can be used when referring to preheating an oven. Hopefully this helps. Convection involves the actual movement of fluid materiel, either liquid or gas, usually in a gravitational field where the difference in temperature causes difference in density which in turn causes fluid motion. Conduction can and does occur concurrently with convection, but does not involve the macroscopic movement of materiel. Conduction can occur in gasses or liquids, but also in solids. Conduction occurs when the thermal vibrations of hotter mater are transferred to cooler matter. There is a third method of heat transfer, Radiation. Radiation can occur in all three phases of matter, but can also transfer heat across a vacuum. Usually thermal radiation is in electromagnetic wavelengths too long to be visible, but in some situations like an incandescent bulb or the sun, it can be seen.

What materials cant heat travel through?

There is no material that completely prevents the flow of heat. However, materials that are good insulators have low thermal conductivity, meaning they slow down the transfer of heat. Some examples of good insulators include air, wool, fiberglass, and certain types of foam or plastic.

Name the four factors upon which a substance's state depends?

State of matter can depend on several things. These things include temperature, particle arrangement, motion of particles, and pressure.

Why are good thermal conductors also good electrical conductors?

Metals are both good heat conductors and also good electrical conductors because of the looseness of outer electrons in metal atoms. A substance can absorb heat energy by the process of conduction, convection, and radiation.

A man who was sleeping wakes up because he hears the smoke alarm go off in his house Before opening the bedroom door the man feels the door to see whether it is warm He is assuming that heat would?

He is feeling HIS side of the door to detect if the heat from a fire has been CONDUCTED through the door from the OTHER side. The heat on the other side could have come from the fire by way of radiation, convection or conduction.

Why does the matter expand when heated?

Heat energy causes all matter to expand, a reason for this strange occurrence is that when a particular substance receives heat whether it be through conduction, convection or radiation the atoms inside the substance become more energised therefor needing more space to move, they push the outside boundaries making the substance expand. If the substance receives an exceeding amount of heat energy it will change states of matter.

Describe whether the comb is charged by conduction or induction?


Can conduction travel through a vacuum?

Conduction occurs between two contacting objects, so whether or not they're in a vacuum is irrelevant.

In is convection the main type of heat transfer?

Whether convection is the main type of heat transfer or not depends on the specific situation.

What is heat and why does some things feel cold or warm?

Heat is molecular vibration and can be transfer through eonduction, convection and radiation. Different object had different heat capacity and conduction. We human sense if it is hot or cold from whether we gain or loss heat. In a cold room, walking on cold carpet is still warm because we do not loss much heat to carpet but if we walk on stone or concrete, we loss heat rapidly and we feel it is cloder than carpet even it is at the same temperature.