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If you are moderately allergic to dander, sometimes parakeet dander in your lungs may cause Allergies.

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Q: Can being around parakeets cause asthma or allergies?
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Does change in season affect asthma?

Yes, without question the symptoms of asthma change with the seasons. The reason: because asthma is, in part, an inflammatory condition, there are a huge number of environmental factors (e.g., being around cigarette smoke) that can exacerbate asthma. Since environmental factors change as the seasons change, it makes sense that asthma symptoms would too. Things that typically cause seasonal allergies (e.g., pollen) can exacerbate asthma. The relative humidity can also contribute to asthma symptoms, and since, depending on where you live, the humidity changes with the season, asthma can thus change with the seasons.

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In one of the studies black seed was used in a test with over 600 patients. It was found that 70% of patients with allergic conditions, among them being pollen and dust allergies, asthma and neuro-dermitis benefitted by Nigella Sativa. If you want to know more that How can Black Seed cure Asthma. then read detailed report on ""

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The causes of childhood asthma are often hereditary, but you can get it from having colds or other type of respiratory infections. This is the leading causes of children being rushed to the E.R.

Do male parakeets chirp a lot?

Well, if parakeets are healthy and happy both male and female will chirp alot. That being said, male and female parakeets will often screech if they are not happy or if something like your music being played too loud or a cat is bothering them.

Is it okay to be a vegetarian while having asthma?

Yes, being a vegetarian will not irritate asthma.

Can you get asthma if you're fat?

Anyone can get asthma, but being fit we can prevent this. If anyone has asthma, their overweight makes it more difficult to breathe.

Will it harm the baby to be around smoke?

Yes it will harm the baby. Being around smoke can cause asthma which is a life-threatening condition. It can also cause cancer.

Can you mix two females parakeets with a male parakeet?

You shouldn't because the male will mate with one of them and parakeets hate being lonely and the other one will be left out....

What medical advances are being made to cure asthma?

Can one get infected by asthma while sitting close to the infected person?

i have no idea wat u talkin bout Yes, it can be passed down through the character sequences in the DNA, but no, it can not be spread from person-to-person. If you mean can you get asthma from someone else who has it the answer is no. Asthma is an allergic reaction, not actually a disease, and therefore cannot be given to other people. Trust me I have it.

Breathe Freely: How to Live Well with Asthma?

It is challenging for people to breathe when they have asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that compromises the lungs' airways. Inflammation and narrowing of the airways are its defining characteristics, which can cause symptoms including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and pressure in the chest. These symptoms can vary in severity and may be brought on by or made worse by certain things including allergies, respiratory infections, physical activity, cold air, smoke, or intense odors. These things make the asthma as well as Copd symptoms worse. Asthma symptoms vary from person to person. Common asthma symptoms include: Shortness of breath: A feeling of not being able to get enough air or struggling to breathe normally. Wheezing: A high-pitched whistling sound when breathing, particularly during exhaling. Coughing: A persistent, dry cough, especially at night or in the early morning. Tightness in the chest: Feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest area. These symptoms may occur in response to triggers, which can differ for each individual. Common asthma triggers include: Allergens: Pollen, dust mites, etc. Infection: Colds and flu Irritants: Smoke, strong odors, air pollution, etc. Exercise: Physical activity or exertion. Cold air or changes in weather. Emotional stress or anxiety. Here are some of the main causes of asthma that can contribute to the development of asthma: Genetics: Asthma tends to run in families, If you have a family history of asthma or allergies, you may be at a higher risk of developing asthma. Allergies: Allergic reactions to various substances can trigger symptoms of asthma. The most common allergies include pollen, dust mites, and specific foods. Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain irritants and pollutants can increase the risk of developing asthma or exacerbate existing asthma. These may include air pollution, cigarette smoke, chemical fumes, strong odors, and cold air. Respiratory Infections: Early respiratory infections, especially in childhood, may contribute to the development of asthma in some individuals. Childhood Exposure: Infants and young children exposed to tobacco smoke, allergens, or pollutants are more susceptible to developing asthma. Occupational Exposures: Some individuals may develop asthma due to exposure to specific substances at their workplace, such as chemicals, dust, or fumes. Obesity: It can increase the risk of asthma and worsen its symptoms. Physical Activity: Intense physical activity or exercise-induced asthma can cause symptoms in some people.

What is a good rated brand of air purification system?

The rating of an air purification system will depend on the purpose for which it is being purchased. For example, some systems may be best for allergies, dust or asthma. Some of the best brands overall are Alen, BlueAir, Austin Air and AllerAir.