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Of course not

Why would someone chain a card that ends the opponents turn with another one that has the same effect

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Q: Can book of eclipse's end phase effect be chained with another book of eclipse during that end phase?
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What is the maximum number of eclipses that can occur during an eclipse season?

There is no such thing as an eclipse 'season'.

Why can you only see an eclipse at night?

Lunar eclipses can only be see at night. Solar eclipses are visible during the day.

How long did the 2007 total solar eclipse in the US last for?

There were no total solar eclipses during 2007. There was one total lunar eclipse, one partial lunar eclipse, and two partial solar eclipses.

What type of moon is during a solar eclipse?

We see solar eclipses only during New Moon, but not every New Moon is accompanied by a solar eclipse.

Can a lunar eclipse occur during the quarter moon phase?

No, it cannot. Lunar eclipses (they really aren't even true eclipses) can happen only during full moon.

Which part of the sun is blocked out by the moon during an eclipses?

the photosphere appears black when it is blocked out by the moon during a eclipse

Was there a solar eclipse in Phoenix in the 1940's?

There were partial solar eclipses visible from Phoenix including a 71% eclipse on April 7, 1940. There were no total solar eclipses visible in Phoenix during the 1940's.

What moon phase occurs during solar eclipses?

A no moon! a solar eclipse covers it the moon

How many times during a year could there be a solar or lunar eclipse?

During the 100 years of the 20th Century (1901 - 2000), there were 228 solar eclipses and 13 times lunar eclipses.

Has anyone ever been born during a total eclipse?

Of course. Eclipses last several hours.

What causes each solar eclipse to occur?

During a solar eclipse, the shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth and blocks out the Sun for a few minutes. There are generally two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses each year, depending on the...

Unlike solar eclipses why are lunar eclipses safe to watch?

During a solar eclipse, one looks towards the Sun, and without proper protection eye damage can be caused. During a lunar eclipse, one looks at the Moon, which is significantly less bright than the Sun.