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ABSOLUTELY NOT! Our teeth are designed for chewing. If anyone has told you, this they are lying to your face.

No: teeth have a sort of "memory" that keeps the roots in one particular place. Even if something really hard such as a jawbreaker was chewed, the tooth would most likely not shift.

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Q: Can chewing food make your teeth crooked?
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Related questions

Does losing weight make your teeth crooked?

No losing weight doesn't have anything to do with crooked teeth! LOL!

Can kissing make your teeth crooked?

No they cannot.

How is food broken down mechanically in the mouth?

Food is broken down in the mouth by the chewing action. Different types of teeth are involved. Some teeth mash the food and some shred the food. Te purpose is to make the food pieces smaller and increase the amount of surface area of food that are exposed to saliva and stomach juices to speed the digestive process.

Does sucking your finger make crooked teeth?

no be think so.

Why is there tooth?

there is know tooth fairy or santa or easter bunny kids . A tooth is for chewing food. Baby teeth fall out to make way for permanent teeth.

How do you make your wisdom teeth grow straight when there is no second molar?

Unfortunately, there is no way to "make" your wisdom teeth grow in straight. If your other teeth are straight, then they may grow in straight. If you have a tendency towards crooked teeth, they they may grow crooked too. The good news is that not everyone has to have them removed if they grow in crooked. If there is sufficient room and they will not cause problems with the other teeth, they may not have to be removed. With no 2nd molar, there might be enough room that they do not have to be removed. The best person to make this determination is your dentist.

Why are camel teeth so crooked?

Camels don't make very good dentists.

Why does Niall wear braces?

he had crooked teeth he wanted it to make it straight by wearing braces

How can a pacifier make teeth crooked?

A pacifier, particularly a poorly designed pacifier, can alter the shape of the palate (roof of the mouth) which in turn will affect how the teeth erupt into the mouth. Fortunately, if the teeth are crooked, this can be corrected during adolescence with orthodontic treatment.

How do you make your teeth crooked before the dentist?

You don't. Why would you even want to? Braces are NOT fun.

How does gum affect your teeth?

gum affects your teeth because if you do to much force with your teeth, then your teeth will start moving and that's how you get crooked teeth and start wearing braces.

If you have crocked teeth will you still have a job husband and kids?

Yes. Teeth are not the only thing people look for in a significant other. Although crooked teeth can make it tougher to find someone.