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Chronic indirectly means either very powerful, or in this case, an illness that will last a life time.

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Q: Can chronic insomnia be permanent
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How do you describe long-term or chronic insomnia?

Long-term or chronic insomnia lasts more than three weeks and increases the risk for injuries during daytime activities because of sleepiness. Chronic insomnia can also lead to mood disorders like depression.

Why is Piscidia Q prescribed in homeopathy?

for problems of chronic insomnia and fever

Can lunesta help anxiety?

No Lunesta is only used to treat chronic insomnia.

Is chronic a drug?

No. Chronic is a word for a medical condition that's become permanent.

Is a sleep disorder associated with obesity it's also implicated in SID?

Chronic insomnia

What are the different types of insomnia?

Transient Insomnia: Lasts for less than a week, can be caused by changes in sleep environment, by another disorder, depression, or stress. Acute Insomnia: Unable to sleep well or deeply for less than a month. Chronic Insomnia: Lasts for more than a month, may be caused by muscular fatigue, hallucinations, or mental fatigue. That's all of them.

What type of treatments are recommended for chronic insomnia?

Allopathic treatment is drug therapy used if lifestyle changes do not treat insomnia or in response to crisis. Medications include sedatives, tranquilizers, antianxiety drugs, hypnotics (benzodiazepines).

Can insomnia last your whole life?

Insomnia is chronic inability to sleep. Not being able to sleep for one day is just a fact of life.

Why does Gaara have those black eyes?

He never sleeps. Gaara has chronic insomnia because he is afraid of Shukaku completely possesing him.

Which term means the permanent dilation of the bronchi caused by chronic infection and inflammation?

Copd, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder/disease

Which term means the permanent dilation of the bronchi caused by chronic infection and infection?


Which conditioning is a permanent inflammation of their airways accompanied by excess mucus production?

Chronic bronchitis