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Yes infection and disease in the body can have an affect on the rest of the body including the brain and heart.

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Q: Can decaying teeth cause harm to brain if not removed?
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Can a natural gap in your front teeth cause brain damage if removed if there is a piece of skin there?

Of course it can't. My sister-in-law just had her front teeth done and gaps filled in and some teeth pulled and others capped. The only way you could damage the brain is to shove the tip of the nose hard so the bone goes into the brain. Your teeth have nothing to do with this.

What is the cause of tooth decay problem in Germany?

See the problem either in Germany or at any place is the same,Improper brushing of teeth.When the food accumulates between the teeth it starts decaying and lead to to teeth decaying with it.

How can poor dental care cause strokes heart disease or rheumatoid arthritis?

Infection originating in decaying teeth can spread throughout the body.

Can abscess teeth cause strokes or brain aneurysm?

Yes, abcessed tooth cause heart problem.

Why should you clean your teeth after meal instead of before meals?

we should clean our teeth after meals because some of the food particles remain in the mouth and they start decaying and cause many disease

Can silver fillings in your teeth cause brain damage?

No, the level of mercury in them does not exceed the body's metal toxicity threshold which the level is not high enough to cause brain damage

Can rotten teeth effect the brain?

Yes it can cause serious health issues you need to get it fixed asap

I have sore gums over wisdom teeth area teeth that were removed 10 years ago. What could cause that?

you probably have impacted molars you probably have impacted molars

What are the benefits of tooth bleaching?

There are a few benefits from tooth bleaching. You will have an attractive white smile, but you have to be careful over-bleaching can cause decaying of the enamel. Without that your teeth will become very brittle.

Why do your teeth keep break off?

by medical point of view it breaks because of calcium deficiency , some diseases that cause swelling in gums and cause loss of teeth , by cavities teeth breaks or some times they are removed by doctor causing a lot of pain in gums .

Can an infection from your wisdom teeth cause an infection in your brain or cause death?

An infected tooth can cause death. But it isn't really from infecting your brain. It will go into your airways and swell them up then you can't breath. A tooth infection can become very serious. The infection can go into your bloodstream. A person I knew was very sick; they did all these tests. His wife insisted it was his teeth, and it was!!!!!!!!!

When will I make bowel movement after widom teeth removed?

Having wisdom teeth removed has no bearing on when you defecate.