

Can drugs damage your body

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11y ago

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yes they sure can!

(so don't use them!)

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Q: Can drugs damage your body
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How does drugs control your body?

drugs do not control your body but it will damage your body if you are using drugs i advice do not use them they are dangerous drugs are made from dead peoples skeleton

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How does your body control?

drugs do not control your body but it will damage your body if you are using drugs i advice do not use them they are dangerous drugs are made from dead peoples skeleton

What damage can cirrhosis do to the body?

The liver cannot detoxify the toxins , drugs in the body.

Drugs that rid the body of eukaryotic parasites often have more side effects and are harder on the body than drugs that act on bacterial parasites suggest a reason for this difference?

We also have eukaryotic cells, so drugs which damage the parasites may damage you too. Procaryotic cells have features that the drugs can attack that do not exist in our cells, so wont damage us.

Which organs do drugs damage?

brain and liver

What do harmful drugs do to your body?

Like REALY you guys don't know what does drugs do to your body? It could damage you're lungs or it might killed u if u don't stop using drugs gosh peep$

How does taking drugs affects doing sport?

Drugs effect your body in ways like making it harder to breathe and giving you muscle damage.

What happens if you keep using drugs?

Well firstly you can KILL yourself or you can do serious damage to your body!!

How drugs are harmful?

They can seriously injure your insides.... or worse..... kill you!

How do illegal drugs affect your health?

they make your body work faster or slower, they damage your nervous system

Do you persuade someone to do drugs?

No, never. Drugs may have positive short-term immediate effects, but their long-term effects severely damage the body and mind.