

Does Earth go into Saturn

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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yes it goes into Saturn 755 times

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Q: Does Earth go into Saturn
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How is a year on Saturn 29 earth years?

That is how many Earth years it takes for Saturn to go around the Sun once.

How much time does it take for the sun to completely go around Saturn?

The sun does not go around Saturn; Saturn orbits the sun in 29.46 Earth years.

How long is one year on Saturn?

Saturn takes 10,832 Earth days (29.66 Earth years) to go around the Sun once. Since one day on Saturn is 10.656 hours long, it takes 24,396 Saturnian days for Saturn to go around the sun once.

How long does it take for the sun to go around Saturn?

It takes approximately 29.5 Earth years or 10,759 Earth days for Saturn to orbit around the sun.

How long does Saturn take to orbit the sun in earth days and hours?

Saturn takes 10759 days to go round.

What is time like on Saturn?

Time is something independent of where you are. If you are on Saturn, and watch the earth, it will go round the sun in 1 year.

Is there less gravity on Saturn or Earth?

Saturn's gravity is about 1.07 times that of Earth. 100 lbs on Earth = 107lbs on Saturn

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the earth?

It takes almost 30 Earth years for Saturn to go around the sun once. So, 1 year on Saturn = 29.6 years on Earth. When you turn 29 and a half, Saturn will be back in the same place it was the day you were born!

How many years would it take to go from Saturn to earth?

4 years

How long would it take to go from Saturn to Earth?

5 to 6 years

How much does Saturn take to go around the orbit?

29.5 earth years

How many earth fit in Saturn?

1 billion Earths