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No, Elmer's white glue is for gluing two porous materials. It will not work on many things such as modelling clay.

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Does elmers glue affect your tongue?

Elmer's white glue will not burn you. However there are now many other kinds of Elmer's glue - so it is no longer appropriate to say just "Elmer's glue". They now have Elmers epoxy, Elmers cyanoacrylate, Elmers contact cement, Elmers spray adhesive and a few other kinds.

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Take some markers and apply a coating of them on the dip in the spacemaker box, then go all over the dip in the crayonbox with the glue stick. Wet white elmers glue works best, but if you put a lot of the glue stick on, it should be okay.

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Elmer's white glue.

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Warm water and soap should take off Elmers and other white glues.

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Why is elmers white glue better for making slme?

I wish someone could help me ....... its for a science project....

Is PVA glue the same as elmers Glue?

Yes it is. Maybe very minor differences in different makers.

Is elmers glue stronger than a glue stick?

If you mean a 2 part resin adhesive, they are much stronger than Elmer's original. - We must now also consider that in the past few years, Elmer has made MANY new glues - not just the old style white glue now. I'm looking forward to testing Elmer's Glue All Max, their latest one.

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