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At 39 weeks, it's normal to be in labor. An exam of the cervix could stimulate the uterus.

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Q: Can getting a cervix exam at 39 weeks throw you into labor?
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What does it mean if you are 37 weeks pregnant and your midwife syas your cervix is soft?

When your midwife tells you that it means that your cervix is beginning to ripen and possibly efface and dilate. Currently im 1 cm dilated 60% effaced and have been in labor but not "active labor" for the past week. My cervix isn''t dilating so they dont consider that "active labor".

I am 22 weeks pregnant my cervix is 2.1 cm what does that mean?

This means you have a short cervix. I am 22 weeks and my cervix is also 2.1 cm and I have been ordered to bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy and I may also have to get a cerclage which is a type of stitch they use for extra support for your baby. Having a short cervix during pregnancy increases the chance of preterm labor and even misscarriage. The farther along in your pregnancy the more weight and pressure on your cervix

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have felt inside my cervix I think I'm just 2cm what does the cervix feel like is it ring shaped when will labor start I have mild period cramps?

If you are not a doctor or midwife there is no way you should be feeling your cervix, you could easily introduce an infection which could be fatal to you and/or your baby. Keep your fingers out and wait until you go into labor.

You are 35 weeks 2cm dilated babies head engaged cervix very soft had 4 babies at 36 weeks this is baby7 and having period like cramps all day could labor start soon?

definatly!! sounds like baby is getting ready! good luck x

What can cause vaginal bleeding at 38 weeks pregnant after my Doctor checked to see how far along I was dilated?

Irritation from the doctors figures checking the cervix, or your in labor.

What happens to the cervix during the first stage of labor?

Answer: During the first stage of labor, the cervix will start to thin out (also called efface) and open up (also called dilate). The first stage of labor can take a couple of hours or a couple of weeks (I was in my first stage of labor with my daughter for 2 weeks). Most women usually stay at home during this stage as it is not the "active" stage of labor. The active stage of labor is stage 2. During this stage your cervix will continue to efface and dilate at a much more rapid pace. This ends with the birth of your baby. Then comes stage 3, also know as the after-birth stage. This is when you push out the placenta, which is what protected the baby for 9 months and held the fluids.

Is it common for a shortend cervix to get longer?

Not sure if it is common or not but I was diagnosed with a shortened cervix at 16 weeks. My cervix had fallen to 2.8. I was placed on bedrest for one week. At 17 weeks, it measured 2.3. At 18 weeks, my cervix grew to 3.4. So I do know that it is possible. Good luck.

Can your cervix close after dilation if contractions stop for weeks?

No, once you have dialated your cervix will not close.

When will your labor start im at 38 weeks?

Generally, labor is not induced at 36 weeks, as the baby is still considered preterm An infant needs the additional time in the womb for lungs to be mature enough to breathe on the outside. Don't rush things. The baby will come when it is time. Good luck.

What are fake contractions called?

There are no "fake contractions," except when women pretend to be in labor. There is false labor, which is contractions (usually mild and irregular) which do not change the cervix. (Labor is defined as progressive change--dilation and effacement--of the cervix.) Braxton Hicks contractions are real contractions, but very irregular. They can occur any time after 32 weeks of pregnancy, and are usually no more than 2 to 3 an hour.

What does it mean if your cervix is to cm in 30 weeks pregnancy?

it means you are two cm dialated. 2 cm is not a big deal i was 2 cm with both my children at 30 weeks. they don't worry about it unless you are 4 or more cm i believe. its your cervix getting ready for birth.

Im 36 weeks and 3 cm dialated but not effaced How can you get labor going?

Im 36wks and 3cm dialated but my cervix is not softened yet there is no sure way to get labor started your baby will come wgen it's good and ready!!