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Helium has completely filled orbitals. hence it is chemically inert (non reactive) and is found in its pure elemental form.

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Q: Can helium be found in its pure Elemental form in nature or is it so reactive that it is only found in compounds?
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Phosphorus us found in nature, but in the form of phosphate compounds rather than in pure elemental form. This is because phosphorus is highly reactive and will readily react with oxygen in the air.

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No. Phosphorus is reactive with oxygen, so it does not exist in elemental form in nature.

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Yes it can be found in nature in trace amounts in the atmosphere. This is because it is SO UNREACTIVE, it cant possibly be found in compounds.

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Compounds, or minerals. The most common is the sodium chloride found in sea water. They are too reactive to be found as free elements.

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Is Titanium found usually in pure or compound elemental form?

In nature, titanium is always found as a compound, not as a pure metal. Titanium is highly reactive (although less reactive alloys can be made from it).

What important characteristic do the alkali metals ad alkaline earth metals have in common?

They both are highly reactive and are not found in nature in elemental state.

Is chlorine naturally occurring?

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