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Yes, one of the functions of hepatocytes is to store glycogen. This can be converted to glucose if the need arises.

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Q: Can hepatocytes store glucose as glycogen?
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What is the storage form of glucose?

Animals store excess glucose in their liver as a large compound called glycogen. Plants store extra glucose in their starch.

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Animals store carbohydrates as glycogen. Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose.

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Glycogen is the form in which animals and humans store glucose. Plants on the other hand store their glucose as starch.

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Glycogen is the molecule used to store extra glucose into a MAMMAL'S muscles.

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Glycogen is the primary short term energy storage in animal cells. It is made in both muslces and the liver. Glycogen is basically the energy reservoir for the glucose cycle. .................................................................................................................................. Answer Glycogen is the main energy storage material in animals and animals store excess glucose as glycogen. Also, Glycogen its a large molecule,so it can store lots of energy.

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i think glucose convert into glycogen by the help of glycogen

Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as a large polysaccharide called?

Glycogen. Plants store energy in starch.... Mammals store their excess energy in glycogen.