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if it isnt serious then you get a bruise, if it was bad then you get a concussion, and if it is really bad then your brain swells inside your skull and you die unless it is treated right away. but you still might die if the medical team you go to isn't the greatest.

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12y ago
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12y ago

If you get hit in the temple, you can die if you hit it very hard, in fact if you hit anywhere on your head it could kill you.However if you get very lightly you will get a headache, if the headache continues you need to go see a doctor. Also to mention their is a main artery that is located near the temple area. If you open the artery you will bleed in your brain. I advise you if you hit your head in the slightest way go see a doctor quickly,it may or Amy not be a serious thing.

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14y ago

Yes, anytime you hit your head you can get headaches from it. I just hit my temple slightly yesterday, and I still have a headache. You have to hit your head pretty hard for anything serious to happen, but headaches are common when you hit your head.

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13y ago

I number of things can happen. The most likely, is that your head will hurt for a while and you might get a bump. This usually does not need any medical attention, although an icepack will help with pain. If your head gets hit hard enough, you may pass out and get a concession, get an abrasion (a bruise), or if it's REALLY bad it could be fatal. If you get a concession you need to get to the hospital immediately, if it's an abrasion then you may need medical attention depending on how large it is, how painful it is, and how long it stays there. If your dead your dead and no one can help you there.


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6y ago

It is intelligent question! Temple is special in that from the temporal bone one artery enters brain. It is called as middle meningeal artery. When you give even a slight slap on the temple and the person is unaware of the fact, one serious problem can take place. First the head moves, then it comes back to the original place. Then the brain move and it comes back to the original place. In this process, the artery may brake, leading to the bleeding. ( It happens that the skull moves, the brain too move. Skull comes back and brain does not come back. This lead to rupture of the artery.) The patient becomes unconscious and may die. This happens because the skull is very rigid. It can not occupy even very small amount of additional blood. The intracranial pressure rises very steeply. What the surgeon do is that he drills a hole on the temple. The blood comes out. The life is saved.

(Here there is one H shaped point called 'Pterion' is there. Four bones, frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid join here. Underneath there is your middle meningeal artery. The skull is very much thin here. I have been thinking about this for ages. I could not guess the reason for the same. I wonder if the skull is kept thin here, so that the Burr hole operation can be conducted.)

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6y ago

It is intelligent question! Temple is special in that from the temporal bone one artery enters brain. It is called as middle meningeal artery. When you give even a slight slap on the temple and the person is unaware of the fact, one serious problem can take place. First the head moves, then it comes back to the original place. Then the brain move and it comes back to the original place. In this process, the artery may brake, leading to the bleeding. ( It happens that the skull moves, the brain too move. Skull comes back and brain does not come back. This lead to rupture of the artery.) The patient becomes unconscious and may die. This happens because the skull is very rigid. It can not occupy even very small amount of additional blood. The intracranial pressure rises very steeply.What the surgeon do is that he drills a hole on the temple. The blood comes out. The life is saved.

(Here there is one H shaped point called 'Pterion' is there. Four bones, frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid join here. Underneath there is your middle meningeal artery. The skull is very much thin here. I have been thinking about this for ages. I could not guess the reason for the same. I wonder if the skull is kept thin here, so that the Burr hole operation can be conducted.)

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16y ago

it is a proven fact that if you hit your temples to hard (or squeeze) you will die!!!

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11y ago

Well I got hit in the back of the head an I started to black out. I couldnt walk right. I was dizzy. You basically can get a conclusion like I did.

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12y ago

Well when you hit the side of your head it will probably cut of the nerves of your brain and it will probably give you amnesia

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12y ago

It would obviously depend on how forcefully you hit it.

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