

Can honey be used for dread wax?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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10y ago

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no its sticky and wont wash out, may tear them up and it WILL stink

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Q: Can honey be used for dread wax?
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Is honey wax harmful?

Men maid honey and wax is harmful.if we obesered real honey bee in lonly forest,this is only real honey,used for eyesiht,and wax is not used in humanuse,so honey wax is not harmful.

What do bees make?

Bees make honey, and wax. The wax is used to make candles. The honey is used to make your tea sweet!Honey

What is the difference between Azulene wax and honey wax?

Azulene wax is made from azulene oil which is distilled from the German chamomile flower. Honey wax is a natural wax byproduct from honeybees. It is used to build the cells in which the honey is stored and bee larva are kept until they reach maturation.

Can you wax with honey and and cloth?

No. Honey and wax are two completely different products.

What is beeswax?

Beeswax is the sticky, wax-like liquid that bees use it to make their honeycombs, which is where they make honey.

Can you make beeswax with honey from the jar?

Wax and honey are not the same thing. The bees make wax to store honey inside. The honey is a separate substance that the bees use for food.

Does honey comb contain honey?

yep the honey comb is made out of wax the honey is in the honey comb

What does a bee produces?

Honey bee is an insect that produces honey and wax. Honey is very sweet and available different flavours. It is used for nutrition and medicinal purposes. Bees wax is a naatual wax that is used for manufacture of smokeless candles, polishes etc. Bees also produce a material called royal jelly which is fed to normal bee larva to turn them into queen bee larva.

Why does a queen bumblebee build a wax honey-pot?

During the spring months, the queen bumblebee builds a wax honey pot to use for food storage. The queen provisions the wax honey-pot with nectar and pollen.

How is honey extracted from the honey comb?

First the wax sealing the cells is scraped off, Then the comb might be heated to make the honey more liquid. Then either gravity, or a centrifuge, is used to extract the honey.

Can honey wax be eaten?


What can you use for dread wax?

nothing!!!!!!!!!!! dread wax is a massive scam and the number one cause of dreads being cut after 3-4 years you can use 100% pure aloe vera gel for anything youd use wax for but there is absolutely no reason to ever use wax it slows the dread process every argument supporting wax is a total lie and none make sense dreads require non residue soap to dread wax is pure residue that never comes out it traps dirt and water and causes mold never use wax once you do you might never be able to get it out even one use is too much for all the truth of dreadlocks