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Yes, the spell is 'I'm a complete idiot'.

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Q: Can humans grow a tail and wings by saying a spell?
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Can humans grow wing by saying a spell?

No way. No can do. Just a bunch of hogwash. If humans could grow wings that easily, then Dinie Slothouber would surely do that spell and use her new wings to fly to her beloved, Mitch Longley.

How do you grow wings spell?

I'm sick of people saying magic isn't real or drink red bull. Just go to 43 things and type in grow wings

Can people grow wings if they pray or do a spell?

No, only in "make believe".

How can humans grow wings naturally?

They can grow wings through magic, spells and prayers. There are many websites to help you with this goal. And whole communities of people who are growing wings. We call our selves avians.

How can you grow fairy wings in 1 day?

It is not possible to grow fairy wings in 1 day as they are a fictional concept. Wings are not something that humans can naturally grow.

How can humans grow wing?

if we use genetic engerring transmit those genes of birds which have message wings formation then these genes are transmit in humans

How long is a person's life?

well all people grow wings at age 20 and grow there tail when they are 30 because all humans are dragons

When pigs finally mutate and grow wings so that they can fly What will your new saying be?

'When stupid questions stop being asked.'

Can spiders grow wings?

Are you mental? No they can't grow wings.

Can people really grow wings?

No, we can't grow wings.

Can a pig grow wings?

No, a pig cannot grow wings.

How do you grow super fast wings?

People cannot grow wings.