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Not really. Hurricanes can only form over warm ocean water. Once they hit land they weaken rapidly and don't stay as hurricanes for very long.

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Q: Can hurricanes occur on dry land?
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Where do hurricanes mostly occur on land?

Hurricanes do not occur on land. They are only water storms and blow into land.

Does hurricanes happen in dry lands or wet lands?

Hurricanes can occur in both dry and wet lands.

Can hurricanes go onto dry land?

Yes, hurricanes can go onto dry land, but don't last very long once this happens.

When and where hurricanes and tornadoes occur?

Huricanes happen along the sea shores and coastlines around June and August.Tornadoes happen where there are dry land areas in a specific region and they occur around spring and late autumn

What type of natural disaster would occur in the southeast region?

One natural disaster is Earthquakes and the other is fires, because the land is so dry.

Are there hurricanes tornadoes or earthquakes in Nevada?

Earthquakes can occur in Nevada, which is not far from earthquake-prone California. Tornadoes occur in Nevada on occasion, but they are rare and usually weak. Nevada is too dry and too far inland to get hurricanes.

What causes hurricanes to lose power?

When they move over dry land they begin to lose power.

Can typhoons occur over land?

No. Hurricanes and Typhoons occer in large bodies of warm water.

Do hurricanes form over landmasses in August and September?

No. While hurricanes often occur in August and September, they form over the ocean, not over land.

Does Nebraska have hurricanes?

No. Hurricanes only occur over warm ocean water and weaken quickly once they hit land. So Nebraska is too far inland to get hurricanes. It does, however, get plenty of tornadoes.

Where in the water do hurricanes occur?

Hurricanes occur over warm ocean water in or near the tropics.

Do more hurricanes occur dureing August or February?

Hurricanes most often occur in August.