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Knee wraps can help support the knee joint during heavy leg exercises however they are best used for maximal weights (e.g. twice your body weight).

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Q: Can knee wraps be used while lifting to support injury or only for maximal weights?
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What weights and gym exercises can you do if you have a lower back injury and in the recovering phase?

I belive lifting weights or doing exercise would slow down the healing of the injury so i dont recommend doing any :)

How do you work safely as a housekeeper handling weights and loads?

It is necessary to use safety precautions when lifting heavy weights as a housekeeper. The most important thing to keep in mind is to keep your back straight while lifting to reduce injury.

Is it possible to injury your psoas major muscle in your hip while running or lifting weights?

Yes, like any muscle it can be strained.

Learn How to Lift Weights?

Lifting weights properly is easy with the aid of fitness training online. There are fitness videos out there that can teach a person how to lift weights accurately without becoming severely injured. Lifting weights properly helps a person to build strength in muscles without overdoing it. Online fitness videos teach important skills, such as lifting weights in a slow fashion as opposed to a rushed fashion. Lifting weights slowly helps burn as many calories as possible. Rushing to lift weights does not have the same impact in burning calories. Instead, rushing to lift weights usually results in a severe injury.

Why is there a maximal voltage for muscles?

All of the muscles in the muscle fiber have contracted when there is a maximal voltage and there is a maximal voltage to prevent injury to our muscles. Dr. Sayed

Does lifting weights put stress and stain on a preexisting injury?

totally. If you have an injury or had one. Take time off until it fully heals. Or you could face some serious pain.

Where should one go if was in a weight lifting accident?

Depending on the severity of the injury a chiropractor or physiotherapist may be help with the recovery from a weight-lifting accident. However, for more serious injuries caused by lifting weights a trip to the hospital would be in order.

Is weight lifting good for you?

YES! Lifting weights makes you stronger, and builds muscle. The additional muscle will cause your body to burn more calories all day long. You will also feel better and be more confident in life.

Is it ok for a 13 year old to have a six pack?

yeah, but you have to be really careful. Lifting weights or "overdoing it" in early adolescence puts you at higher risk for injury, sometimes permanent.

Does the use of a cable system make lifting weights easier?

you can lift the same weights on a cable system as with free weights (usually). the difference is that free weights are able to target specific muscles where are with cables you don't really have this option (it is sort of possible but not as effective). a cable system is good for a beginner as it allows you to use stabilising muscles and is less likely to cause injury.

Does lifting weights for half an hour a day stunt growth in height?

No. It's an urban legend that weight lifting stunts ones' growth. Dumbells wil certainly not do anything to affect your growth. If you ever attempt heavy squats (not dumbells), it's important to have proper supervision: poor form could result in an injury to your back, which might ostensibly stunt your growth. Barring an injury, however, you can do whatever lifting you like and not hurt your growth.

What are the best cross training sports?

Running, cycling, lifting weights, and swimming are the best cross-training sports. Cross-training improves over-all body performance and reduces risk of injury.