

Are cheeseburgers Kosher

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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As a general rule No. Although there are a handful of franchises in the world (mostly in Israel) that are fully kosher.

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Leviticus 3:8 says not to eat pigs because they don't chew the cud. Burger King serves bacon and sausage.

Deuteronomy 14:21 says not to mix meat and milk products--and Burger King's menu is about half cheeseburgers.

Utensils used to prepare non-Kosher foods can't be used for Kosher ones. And IIRC Kosher foods have to be prepared by Jews.

But the bacon and cheeseburgers alone are enough to make BK unkosher.


Kosher food doesn't have to be prepared by Jews. You'd have to go to Israel to have kosher Burger King though. Costa Rica has one Kosher Burger King also. See related links (that's my rabbi in the story)

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12y ago

Kosher is an adjective that refers to any item that has been prepared following the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). The last time I checked, adjectives aren`t capable of eating anything. If the questioner wishes to know if Jews who keep kosher can eat burger buns, so long as the buns are kosher, and it isn`t Pesach, there is no issue with eating them.

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14y ago

No! One does NOT put meat and dairy products together if you want to keep kosher.

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12y ago

In England I know that there is not a Burger Kingbut there may be in different countries.

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6y ago

No, because it's meat and dairy together.

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6y ago

You just have to use kosher chicken.

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Kosher is a term that applies to Jewish dietary laws. Foods that can be eaten according to the dietary laws are considered "Kosher." Examples: Matzo ball soup is a kosher. Cheeseburgers are not kosher. The term "kosher" has also become a colloquialism for "acceptable." Examples: Wearing jeans on casual friday is kosher. Picking your nose in public is not kosher. So according to the literal interpretation of the word, you cannot have kosher feelings. According to the colloquial usage, inappropriate feelings (whatever those are) are not kosher.

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Yes, they serve cheeseburgers.

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Consecutively. Also "in a row". Examples: He ate five cheeseburgers one by one. He ate five cheeseburgers consecutively. He ate five cheeseburgers in a row.

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Eating more than one or two cheeseburgers can be too much as they are high in calories and fat content.