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Lack of blood can indeed cause seizures.

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Q: Can lack of blood flow to the brain cause seizure activity?
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Can a seizure cause a T.I.A.?

A seizure is caused by excessive electrical activity in the brain. A transient ischaemic attack is due to a problem in the blood supply to the brain. They are two very different kinds of problems. A seizure would not cause a problem in the blood supply to the brain and so it would not cause a TIA.

What causes abnormal electrical activity in the brain?

It can cause a seizure.

What is an epileptic fit?

An epileptic seizure is usually caused by some electrical activity in the brain. We all have electrical activity in the brain. If there is an excessive amount, this can cause an epileptic seizure. This can cause the person not to feel well, possibly lose conciousness, and have unusual physical activity because their brain is not working properly. Some physical activity could be very minor, like small movements or could be much larger like physical jolting of parts of the body. A seizure will usually not last very long and the person will soon return to normal.

What is the Primary etiology of seizure?

Primary etiology of seizure is any form of brain injury. When the electrical impulses escape their limit in the brain, this will cause seizure.

Can a seizure cause brain damage and stuttering?

I suppose that could happen, or brain damage could cause the seizure. Find out more about stuttering on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation.

What part of the brain evokes epilepsy?

It could come from any part. As an example, if someone had a small injury on some part of their brain, that could disrupt normal electrical activity occasionally which can cause a seizure.

Can cats die from having a seizure?

yes if it was a prolonged full seizure. a full seizure will have the animal unconcious, they will often defaecate, urinate and salivate, and have twitching or flailing activity of the limbs and jaw. seizure activity for a prolonged period (5-10mins plus) requires veterinary attention as the animals body temperature will increase above normal with all the muscular activity and the brain is starved of oxygen. seizure activity can also cause the brain to swell if it is severe and prolonged so that the brain is pushed out through the hole at the base of the skull, where the spinal cord is attached. this would be fatal. if your cat is having fits take it to your vet so it can be checked out to try and find out why it is having fits and get the correct treatment.

Can seizures cause strokes?

Strokes are to do with a problem in blood flow to the brain. This would not be caused by a seizure. Seizures and strokes are two very different things.

How long do you have to stare at something to get a seizure?

Staring at something won't give you a seizure. Flashing lights have been known to cause seizure activity in those who already have a seizure disorder.

Can street drug withdrawal cause seizures similar to Grand mal epileptsy?

Epilepsy is caused by unusual electrical activity in the brain. Everyone has electrical activity in their brain, but if this is disrupted in any way, a seizure can occur. If someone who has been on drugs has done some damage to their brain, there is the potential for them to have seizures, so it can happen.

Can malnourishment cause new onset of seizure activity?

Being malnourished is not good for any aspect of health, so it could be a factor, but seizure activity is more likely to be caused by other things.

Can you get seizures even if you don't have a history of seizures?

Yes. If you have a brain tumor you may not know it. A brain tumor can cause a seizure.