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yes they could sometimes but they might not

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Q: Can large red blood cells after blood transfusion in an adolescent due to menstrual hemorrage be a problem?
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Does menstrual cramps affect fertility?

No, menstrual cramps are a symptom of a problem not the cause of a problem. Menstrual cramps are most commonly a result of hormonal imbalance, but if severe ask your doctor for tests.

Can one dance when they have menstrual?

Of course. No problem.

What evaluations will a woman have who is experiencing menstrual irregularities have?

Depending on the problem, various tests and procedures will be performed, but the one common to any menstrual problem is a pelvic exam.

Which kind of blood transfusion could cause a severe problem?

co2 co so2 clorine

What are menstrual disorders?

A menstrual disorder is a physical or emotional problem that interferes with the normal menstrual cycle, causing pain, unusually heavy or light bleeding, delayed menarche, or missed periods.

Why doesnt a complete blood transfusion cure a person with leukemia?

White blood cells are made in the bone marrow, and that is not affected by a blood transfusion. Transfusions help for a little while, but it is the bone marrow that is the problem.

Can your menstrual period effect your vision?

Well actually, no it cant. Unless you have some other medical problem you will not lose your vision because of your menstrual period.

What will you do if you have a dysmenoria?

The medical term for menstrual cramps is dysmenorrhea. There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary and secondary. Read below in recommended links - "Menstrual Cramps" and "Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps". In primary dysmenorrhea, there is no underlying gynecologic problem causing the pain. This type of cramping may begin within six months to a year following menarche (the beginning of menstruation), the time when a girl starts having menstrual periods. Menstrual cramps typically do not begin until ovulatory menstrual cycles (when an egg is released from the ovaries) occur, and actual menstrual bleeding usually begins before the onset of ovulation. Therefore, an adolescent girl may not experience dysmenorrhea until months to years following the onset of menstruation. In secondary dysmenorrhea, some underlying abnormal condition (usually involving a woman's reproductive system) contributes to the menstrual pain. Secondary dysmenorrhea may be evident at menarche but, more often, the condition develops later.

What if you don't start your menstrual cycle?

Then you're either pregnant or you have a medical problem.

What is the problem when your menstrual blood tissue comes out the size of a round marble?

Maybe you were pregnant.