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If the tables are metal.

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yea they can if the table is metal.

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Q: If one magnet is on top of a table and the other magnet is on bottom of the table can they move around?
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How do you demagnetize a nail?

You can bash it on a table to bash the magnetic domains around and they mix around so they can't stick to another magnet. Test it out

What type of magnet is used in a kids magnet table?

the ones that attract stuff

What are some fun things can you do with a magnet?

1. Build a motor/generator; 2. (This answer would be sick, so I left it out) 3. Create magnetic fields (duh) 4. Ever heard of a game called Polaris? Well, just mess with magnets, and you could end up making them jump over each other. 5. You could hold a magnet under a table, and place another on top of the table. See what happens when you move the one underneath around. 6. You could put iron fillings in a jar, close the lid, then move the magnet around outside it. (actually, just messing with iron fillings in general is fun) 7. You could grind up cheerios (any cereal works well enough) and move a magnet around in the result. You should have particles stuck to the magnet. This is the iron in the cereal! 8. I hear if you get a strong enough magnet, you can destroy many electronic appliances, including a TV and a computer.

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A table in the bottom one and a couch in the other one

Can you separate salt from iron filings by using a bigger magnet?

U can separate salt and iron filings from each other by using a bigger magnet . There are other ways too . You can also put both of the mixture in a cup of water and watch as the salt evaporate or disappear . But the iron filings will come to the top . Or spreading the mixture on a table and using a magnet to separate them .

What does magnet attract to?

Metals, not non-metals. You might want to find a periodic table.

What attracts to magnet?

Metals, not non-metals. You might want to find a periodic table.

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young is on the bottom of a number...

Where do the two rows of the periodic table that are separate at the very bottom belong?

Those are other elements that didnt have enough space to go with the other elements.

What is second period at the bottom of the periodic table called?

The first period is at the top of the table. It consists of hydrogen and helium. The bottom period is period 7.

Small square that appears at bottom right of a table?

Table resize handle

How do you get the spring out of the water on Club Penguin clock repairs?

Go to the HQ and look around by the coffee table at Gs. There should be these gadgets in a cubby. Get the magnet. PS: the password to unlock the cubby is key