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Yes they can but not when they are a calf (baby horse)

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Q: Can male horses have more teeth than female?
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Why do male horses have more teeth than females?

no i belive all horses have 48 teeth

How many teeth does a horse have and what type of teeth are they?

Young horses have 24 temporary teeth (called deciduous teeth) Adult female horses have 40 permanent teeth Adult male horses have 42 permanent teeth (2 are canine teeth that the female does not have) It really depends on the horse; some have more than others. All horses have at least 36 teeth, but can have up to 44.

What is the Male to female ratio for horses?

There are far more female wild horses and burros than there are male. Many studies have taken place to find out why.

Do female horses eat more than male horses?

maybe probably not It depends on the breed and size.

How many teeth do horses have?

Horses have from 36 to 44 teeth upon reaching maturity. Young horses have 24 temporary teeth (called deciduous teeth) Adult female horses have 40 permanent teeth Adult male horses have 42 permanent teeth (2 are canine teeth that the female does not have)

Are there more male or female horses on howrse?

More males because you cannot castrate females. Breeders castrate their males (I'd they have high GP and skills) and then sell them so that the buyer doesn't reproduce and sell its offspring. People use Zeus Lighting Bolts to change a female to a male/ vise versa but most of the horses on Howrse are male.

Do female bottlenose dolphins have more teeth or vice versa?

I am pretty sure female have more teeth but i am not for sure

How many incisors do horses have?

Horses (of any breed) can have up to 44 teeth, which are broken down in the following way: 12 incisors 24 molars 4 canine teeth (also called 'tushes'), which are only found in stallions/geldings (boy horses) 1-4 'wolf' teeth, which are usually pulled because they interfere with the bit when riding.

What is the Italian word for united?

Unito (male) Unita (female) Uniti (male or male and female, more) Unite (female, more than one)

Do male platypuses stay with the female platypus?

No. Male platypuses do not stay with the female. After mating, the male has little more to do with the female.

Are there more male carpenters or female carpenters?

At present there are far more male carpenters than female.

Where would you look for the age of a horse?

The teeth. The younger the horse the straighter the front teeth will be. The older the horse is the more angle the teeth move forward. Older male horses may have small tusks on the bottom set, one on each side of the mouth.