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Since I started meditating I have found it harder to sleep, my mind is simply too aware, too present, to drift into sleep... what shall I do?

You know, I also suffered insomnia from meditation. At first doing meditation was relaxing, then i tried to improve the skill.

I think trying to focus while meditating has caused my brain somewhat difficult to shut down. I continually aware of the surrounding while I was shutting my eyes. Gradually my sleep pattern disturbed so much, I slept less and less, to the point I didnt sleep for 2 days straight. It really freaked me out. It was then impossible to drift off.

I sought help from church...but they didnt calm me a bit, some people blamed me for doing evil thing such meditation, because it's probably evil things had possessed me, and other equivalent crap diagnoses.

Because of my fragile condition at that time, added by guilty feeling endorsed by church community, it had worsened my condition even more.

I became depressed because of anxiety built up caused primarily by insomnia.

I keep praying God to relieve my suffering. Until my prayer answered by someone advised me to go to this psychiatrist in town.

She treated me with depression medication and sleeping pills. My psychiatrist is just like angel sent from heaven.

Just after 3 days taking medication, my condition 80% improved. I continued my medication for about 6 months.

Three months from sleeping pills, i did have relapse by having anxious thoughts, but this time I was aware of the symptoms and back to my medication for another 3 month. I think I didnt finish my depression treatment completely at the first time, because I worried of the side effect for taking prolong sleeping pills.

Now I consider myself 98%recovered. After one year and half ordeal caused by MEDITATION. I believe that it's not suitable for everyone. Just like people allergic to certain food, I'm not built for meditation.

There is good reading from Mary Garden.

She shared her experience about Meditation. She saw lots of bad effects caused by meditation. In fact there are many people having nervous breakdowns, and many need to be institutionalized. Read it!

I'm glad, I'm still saved. God still loves me..


1. If our skeletal muscular system is isometrically contracted (hardened) towards our head we would be hyperactive and feel like moving.

2. If the muscles that raise the lower jaw are hardened we would be more aware of our body and also of what is happening around us.

If the above combination occurs after meditating in the evening or night we would be insomniac on that night.

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