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In 4% of bacterial meningitis cases in children, there is seen to be some mental retardation.

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13y ago

Yes. High impact to the head can.

Sometimes I think that mental retardation causes accidents.

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Q: Can being involved in an accident cause mental retardation?
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What is vehicular accident contusion?

It is a bruise from being involved in an auto accident.

What would be the worst scenario of an adult person who has mental retardation?

Being unable to care for themselves, and having no other resources.

Is asthma leads to mental retardation?

Possibly, but only a very small chance of happening so. This is because if a person is instantly born with asthma, then as he or she is being born, they could not get enough oxygen, and therefore become mental retardation. BTW, you used the word is incorrectly. It was supposed to be does.

Is Mental retardation is more common in boys than in girls?

No, it is not, it is a terrible birth defect that can affect males as well as females with equal opportunity today we refer to it as "being mentally challenged" the word "retardation" is now considered passe

What are other terms for mental retardation?

As the phrase implies, Retarded people have reactions and instincts slowed down, that is retarded. There are some forms of mental symptoms that can be considered acquired mental retardation- and can occur as a by product of various sources- including violence and violent sports such as boxing- the punch drunk man has some of the same symptoms of the retarded person- tardive dysklesia (I donddd Tawk too good anymore, note accents- not I Don't Talk, but I donddd Tawk! it's not funny.) Senile dementiA can be considered a form of retardation and goes for juvenile forms- senior citizens suddenly demand juvenile items (Where are my electric trains? Where are my comic books?) In some cases staff in senior citizen homes play along with their senility by even supplying such things as dolls and stuffed animals like the Eeyore character. Almost all retarded people make common errors in English and spelling, and many are, from the illness, illiterate. It is sad and not funny. The possibility of artificial or acquired retardation from a crime or accident- like amnesia, is no laughing matter.

Does Mental retardation require psychiatric treatment?

Mental Retardation is actually considered a developmental disorder and has recently been changed to the term "IDD" (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities). The answer to your questions is "yes." Of course, mental retardation can be mild, moderate, or severe. I often have a visual for parents and caregivers to understand mental retardation or IDD better. Think of Down Syndrome as being at the very top of a scale, Severe MR or IDD following, Moderate IDD or MR, and then Mild IDD or MR. In cases of severe MR or Down Syndrome, psychiatric treatment may be required, especially if the individual sufferer struggles with impulse control, delusions or hallucinations, poor mood regulation, improper boundaries, or oppositional behaviors.

Can you enter the Marines if you have ADD?

yes. the only thing that would keep you from not being accepted into the marines would be if you have bad heart and lung problems or blood clot issues. it isn't really based on mental problems. now if it was serious mental issues such as retardation then yes there would be some difficulties if the retardation is moderate. other then that ADD and ADHD people can still be in the Marines.

What is fagile x?

A genetic condition associated with mental retardation. It is caused by a break or weakness in the long arm of the X chromosome. Mother's are the carriers, with their sons at risk for being infected.

Will your license be suspended for being unable to show proof of financial responsibility when involved in an accident?


What is the difference between being legal and being ethical?

Being legal means following the laws and not breaking any. It may not always be ethical. For example if you are involved in an auto accident, almost anywhere being legal means stopping and not leaving the scene of the accident. It does not require you to assist any victims. Any others passing by are not legally required to stop. Being ethical, or moral, would involve stopping and helping accident victims whether or not you are involved in the accident or just.

Was one of the Michael Jackson siblings in a wheelchair?

youngest brother randy was after being involved in a car accident

What does 7.5 on an IQ test mean?

This would be an abnormally low IQ which would indicate mental retardation or an error in the test or an miss understanding of the question being asked by the person taking the test.