

Can monopolies become oligopolies

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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If you have a monopoly, why would you want an oligopoly? You make more profit alone.

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Q: Can monopolies become oligopolies
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How can oligopolies engage in collusion?

Collusion between companies who are otherwise competitors in a narrow field can have the same results as a monopoly or near-monopoly: control of prices and restricting other competition. Monopolies are controlled by US law, but interlocking directorates and covert cooperation among companies is more difficult to uncover and prosecute.

Does monopolies exist?

DO monopolies exist. yes they do.

What are the disadvantages of privatization of a country's postal service?

It has been argued that privatisation has not led to greater competision, as for postal servises they are public monopolies with no competision to become private monopolies. these companies will be able to exploit their positions in the country.

People who opposed monopolies argued that monopolies?

Eliminated competition

What did Woodrow Wilson view monopolies as being?

monopolies were bad

Examples of barriers to entry?

Some examples: legal barriers (e.g.) state-enforced monopolies); high fixed capital costs (e.g.) automanufacturing); price manipulation by leading firms in uncompetitive markets (e.g.) leading firms in oligopolies); limited market size (e.g.) geographic isolation; low population; monopsony; oligopsony).

What are the four types of monopolies?

natural, geographic, technological, government

Why are industries regulated to prevent monopolies?

If one company were to become a monopoly then consumers would not have a choice as to who to give their money to. Consumer choice and competition are cornerstones of capitalist economies, and to preserve them we must put measures into place that prevent the rise of monopolies.

What is breaking up monopolies called?

what is breaking up of monopolies call