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Personality disorder is a diagnosis of ways of behavior that are destructive to self or to self and others. People with personality disorders are not the ones who come for therapy: it is usually their spouses, children, parents, workplace is suffering from them. So, if this person, believes s/he is causing pain/trouble to others and does not continue to say: "you go get help, not me", or blaming, or complaining or trouble making at work, then the first step is done. For that to happen, the people who are suffering must 1- not blame themselves or feel guilty 2- be consistent, 3- be honest, non manipulative 4- be attentive to personal weaknesses so that the other person is not allowed to manipulate through them. Do all four, be patient, and belief will happen. When one believes that s/he has been harming others, one becomes very sad: this is good.....provided that person knows who to deal with the pain: no drugs or alcohol or suicide. Healing is very possible: time, timing of action and intervention, a loving network and expertise are all necessary.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Mood disorders such as Bipolar and Major Depression can not be cured as such. However they can be controlled with antidepressants such as Prozac or Mood Stabilisers such as Lithium or Carbamazepine. The patient still has the illness and is likely to become ill if medication is stopped.

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12y ago

Nope. Never has been cured and never will be. Sucks to suck.

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