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Depending on the laws of the state, an employer can deduct for Workman's Compensation. Deductions for federal programs such as Workman's Compensation and Social Security are standard deductions.

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Q: Can my employer deduct from my wages for workers comp?
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Does your California full time employer have to pay your wages while you are off for an on the job injury?

you must file a workers comp. claim

What does the workers comp insurance company need from the employer?

The workers comp insurance company requires the employer to insure all the employees.

as a subcontractor can the person i sub from deduct money from my last check for workers comp?

If you are paid a wage or a salary for temporary work, the employer must deduct ALL taxes, social security and workers comp. If you are a subcontractor paid on a 1099, (which means YOU will pay all the taxes, etc) then no deductions are taken from your compensation. So it depends on the agreement you have with the contractor. He cannot, however, just take out workers comp and nothing else.

Do family members in California need workers comp insurance?

Workers comp insurance has nothing to do with family members. Workers comp insurance is an insurance policy that your employer will have on if in case you get hurt at work.

For Illinois Workers Compensation is the employer required to pay the wages of an employee to attend a doctor appointment?

If a Section 12 independent medical exam is requested by the employer, travel expense is supposed to be advanced before attending the exam. If a worker also has a lost day's wages to attend the exam or 1/2 a day's wages lost, then the workers comp act provides for reimbursement of the lost wages or partial lost wages. An employer is not required to pay lost wages to attend a treating doctor's visit appointment. That is normally to be scheduled for off work hours.

Who pays you if you get hurt on the job in PA?

Your employer's workers comp. You have to file a claim.

Can an employer keep your vacation pay while out on workers comp?

I do not believe anyone should go on vacation when on workers comp. Workers compensations are for people with real disability cases. If you are leaving on vacation then you are able to go to work.

Is the employer liable to pay workmans comp to employees who worked under the table?

Yes - even in the absence of a workers comp policy, the employer is responsible for a work related injury

Are you entitled to a worker's comp settlement without suing your company to make up for lost wages and pain and suffering?

If you are injured on the job then you are entitled to workers comp regardless if you sue. You cannot sue the employer for an injury unless it is negligance. You can sue a third party though.

Does an employer have to pay an employee wages and mileage to go to the doctor if it is workers comp claim?

The worker's comp law is slightly different in each state. Basically if an employee is injured in the course and scope of their work, they are entitled to having the cost of medical care paid, and if they miss time from work, they are to be paid for wages they miss. There ARE limits on how much the payments are. You should look up worker's comp for YOUR state.

If you return to work on light duty will you get a paycheck from your employer and workers comp?

No. Because the doctor has verified that are able to work, and you are receiving a normal paycheck on company time. Now a check from workers comp may overlap with your employer pay, but, once workers comp has been notified, that you are working, light duty or otherwise, those payments will stop.

What states require employer to have workmans comp?

All states require employers to carry Workers' Comp or remain liabile to the workers themselves. Most states have exemptions for some employers, such as those with fewer than 5 employees, or employers whose sole workforce is comprised of partners in the company. Texas is the only state in which Workers' Comp is 100% voluntary, yet again, the employer remains liable to the worker and would have to pay out of pocket for claims. Further, by not carrying Workers' Compensation, the worker is free to sue the employer - something he's not able to do if the employer carries Workers' Comp unless the employer's guilty of GROSS negligence. See the attached link, "Should I Carry Workers' Compensation?" for additional information.