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no because in a physical change it does not change the chemical make up, however, it does during a chemical change

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Q: Can new compounds form during a physical change?
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When elements combine to form compounds is this a physical or chemical change?

This is a chemical change.

Is crushing a rock chemical or physical change?

Grinding something is an example of a physical change, because you are not chemically changing what the substance is, you are only changing the form of it. Another example of a physical change is boiling water, because the water is still water, it's just in a gas form instead of liquid.When something is grinded it is a physical change not a chemical change.

How can you tell if a physical reaction is occuring?

During a physical change the chemical molecule is not affected; physical changes are changes of phase or form.

When elements form compounds can the elements not be recovered?

some but not all......many reactions are reversible and many r irreversible....depends on chemistry of reactions, physical change or chemical change...

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its a chemical change. a physical change does not change the chemical makeup of a substance. it simply changes its form or physical state. examples: ice melting, a tree being chopped down.

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When elements combine to form compounds than the properties of elements are not pre demoninantly the same in them whether chemical or physical while in the form of mixture elements retain their properties.

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What is an example of a physical changes of matter?

A physical change in contrast to a chemical change is one in which the chemical structure of the compounds involved are left unchanged. Only a physical change occurs. One such example is boiling water. This changes the physical state of water from a liquid to a gas. Similarly, freezing water is a physical reaction. In this case, liquid is frozen to form a solid.

How is boiling of egg a chemical change?

because you are changing its form and look

Is sugar dissolving in iced tea a physical change?

Yes. When sugar dissolves in iced tea, it is a physicalchange. The tea does cease to be tea, nor does the sugar cease to be sugar. The water stays the same, of course. No chemical changes have taken place.

What kind of change produces new kinds of matter?

A chemical change is one that creates compounds (products) that are different from the reactants. A physical change only alters the form or phase of the existing substances, not their chemical properties.

When icicles form is it a physical or chemical change?

It is called a phase change.