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It's possible, but usually you interfere with circulation which eventually disrupts nerve flow.

Hint, recovery from a pinched nerve takes months.

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Q: Can sleeping wrong cause a pinched nerve?
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Answer You might have a pinched or damaged nerve. I'd see the doctor to make sure it isn't anything serious, because if it is a pinched or damaged nerve, and it isn't treated right away, you might have permanent damage.

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Organs of the body are attached to the spine and there are also nerve endings to contend with. You could have slept wrong (scrunched up on your pillow) tossed and turned all night without realizing it. If you sleep wrong or even slightly injure yourself at work or at home you could have injured a nerve or bruised the nerve causing the lack of blood flow. This is usually not serious, but if it continues for more than 3 weeks then you should see a specialist about it.

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Really, anything. It could be something wrong with your brain, a pinched nerve in your spine, a tumor, a sprain, or something even more trivial. One symptom alone is not enough to say anything with any degree of certainty. If it is ongoing, odds are it is a pinched nerve and it does happen. This can be caused by a herniated disc any many other things. I would look up herniated discs on google to see if that is what you are feeling (you can herniate a disc in your sleep, so you might not remember any trauma)

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Pinched nerves are the little rotters that can cause pain anywhere in the body. Your neck could be out. It's very advisable to get it checked out by your doctor, and if they can find nothing wrong (probably not) find yourself a good chiropractor. Heres a tip to see if it could be a pinched nerve and your neck is out: In the meaty part of your upper shoulders (on each side of your neck) press firmly on both sides with your fingers on each side with both hands. If the pain doesn't go away, then press 4 fingers firmly on the back of your neck. If the pain goes away it's usually a pinched nerve or it could be a disc out in your spine.

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Sleeping on it the wrong way can be one of the causes.

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he has a chronic nerve disease. he has a chronic nerve disease. he has a chronic nerve disease.