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OZONE will do the trick. Get your hands on an air purification system that generates ozone and your problem is fixed. Ozone will get rid of any odor known that I am aware of.

AnswerThe other poster is correct, but with one exception ... mold thrives on moisture and you are trying to save some furniture. This is what you do:

You have to clean your furniture with 25% bleach in water. This will kill the mildew and mold and enable you to remove it with some soap and water. WEAR RUBBER GLOVES AND BE IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA WHILE DOING THIS PROCEDURE. Some discoloration may remain in the wood. THE SOLUTION IS CAUSTIC, BE CAREFUL WITH IT!

2/3 cup of trisodium phosphate, 1/3 cup of detergent, 1 quart of household bleach, and enough water to make a gallon.


Then when the wood is perfectly dry give it a good coat of polyurethane varnish. You can go into any large Hardware store that sells building supplies and ask for their advice on stains for the wood. You'll have a great new piece of furniture before you are done.

Here is a bonus for cleaning out odors in drawers: Springer coffee grounds (dry) inside the drawers or use kitty litter for 2 days. This will not only soak up any traces of mildew, but also get rid of the odor. Musty smells also vanish.

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14y ago
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18y ago

I received an antique wooden dresser from my in-laws and had to remove the smoke smell. I placed 5-6 charcoal briquettes in each drawer for a week or so. I then cleaned the outside with pledge. I filled it with our clothes and placed new dryer sheets in each drawer every week for about a month. I also put potpourri in the drawers if the smell started to come back. Unfortunately, wood is pourous, and will absorb the smoke smell. That's why I no longer accept furniture from my in-laws.

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15y ago

Dryer Sheets will remove odor from wood. If your item will fit in a plastic trash bag just toss in five or six dryer sheets and shut the bag. When you close the bag, try to seal it as close to the item as possible. After two days, check for odor. If it still smells, replace the sheets and leave for two more days. If your item is too big for a trash bag, just rub the wood with the dryer sheets.

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13y ago

Depends on where the mold is? the most common is on bathrooms walls and ceilings, caused by condensation! Its very hard to dispose of and is very likely to come back. The best way i can suggest to clear mold is to wipe down with bleach- several applications are needed. And then paint with eggshell paint which you can purchase at a local d.i.y store. I would advise the installation of a decent extractor fan and ariate the room when bathing and showering.

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14y ago

Smoke smell is a real BEAR to get out of stuff. Most answers will tell you only how to mask the smell. Getting it out is trickier.

This takes a while but I guarantee it works. I bought a van several years ago that had been inside of a garage when it caught fire. The van wasn't damaged at all superficially but it had severe smoke damage. With my trick it was as good as new in a couple of weeks.

What you want to do is a buy around 8-10 Apples (more or less depending on the size of your piece of furniture)

Now the next part is going to change depending on what type of piece of furniture it is.

Lets say your talking about a sofa.

Take your apples and cut them in half, and take the pillows of the couch and put them inside of a large plastic bag (like a trash bag) and place the apples inside with it, you can put the apples inside of a ziploc or something similar if your worried about your pillows. Tie up the bag and seal it as well as possible.

Change the apples after 1 week to 1.5 weeks (they will be black or very very discolored. much more than they would by just leaving them out) and replace them with fresh apples.

For the couch itself buy some plastic wrap from Menards or somewhere similar and sit a bowl of apples that have been cut in half on the couch where the cushions sit (you have the cushions in the trash bag still) and cover the couch completely with plastic while trying to make it as air tight as possible (but obviously you can't make it fully airtight. just make sure you don't have any gaping holes)

Change the apples as mentioned above for the pillows.

The whole process will take about 3 weeks but it will have your couch smelling brand new. I guarantee it from personal experience.

If instead your talking about a piece of wood furniture this is much easier to do. Especially if it is a cabinet or something you can sit a bowl of apples inside of. If this is the case just put the apples in a bowl cut in half inside the cabinet and shut the door. Put a think layer of plastic over the door so it is shut tight and leave the bowl of apples in there for 3-4 weeks. This will get rid of the smell both inside and outside of the piece.

Let me know if your piece of furniture didn't fall in this category and I can give you more suggestions. I own a furniture store here in Indianapolis, IN at 34th & Shadeland and have been there for over 30 years, so when it comes to things like this I'm happy to provide any help I can :)

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12y ago

The smell of cigarette smoke is really annoying. For simple cases letting it out in the sun and using a deodorizer can really help but for better results, dry cleaning may really bring the best results.

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14y ago

Check with a furniture restoration specialist. or you can vernish it again

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12y ago

Put some plastic covering

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Q: How do you remove the smell of cigarette smoke from furniture?
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