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whats ginseng powder capsules for?

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Q: Can taking ginseng pills cause weight gain?
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Is there any major side effect for taking Hokkaido slimming pills?

They cause massive weight gain.

Can not taking sugar pill cause weight gain?

No. Often weight gain is experienced in some women due to the hormone changes caused by birth control pills. It has nothing to do with the sugar pills.

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Can you get pregnant if your taking weight loss pills?

No u can't

Will you be pregnant after taking 2 pills?

No, pills do not cause pregnancy. Sex causes pregnancy.

Why might somebody gain weight when they started taking weight loss pills?

Maybe they eat more , thinking that the pills will make up the difference.?

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What are additive effects of taking Zoloft and seroquel xr?

the most common addictives with taking seroquel and zoloft are eating binges.that are like sugar rush pills basically they cause the body to crave food there horrible pills for someone over weight or that has a eating disorder.

Will only taking one of the pills cause a birth defect in an unborn baby?

Which pills? If contraceptive pill, no.

Will you gain more weight if you are taking birth control pills but don't take the green ones so your period will stop?

Some women do gain weight while on contraceptive pills, and some do not. Skipping your period, or not taking the in-active green sugar pills, will not make you gain weight, it will just skip your period.

What are the negative side effects of taking weight loss pills?

vomit and the poosies