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The pain from a bulging disc in your neck can travel to the lower back. The actual bulging disc condition will not move or spread.

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Q: Can the bulging disc in neck travel to lower back?
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What is endplate lipping?

The endplate is part of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Lipping is bulging of this area of the disc due to degeneration or scoliosis.

What can cause leg weakness?

You can suffer from a leg weakness with either having sudden cramps , or having weak bones aat the knee joint. Or not having enough muscle tone or low amounts of cartilage Leg weakness can occur from - sciatica - bulging discs in lower back - leprosy - nerve palsy of leg (common peroneal nerve injury) - diabetes There are a plethora of causes depending on associated symptoms that one could have like back ache (bulging disc), tingling numbness(sciatica), elevated blood sugar (diabetes).

A disc is what part of the body?

usually located in the back part of the spine

Degenerative Disc Disease?

Most people will suffer from an episode of minor lower back pain at some point in their lives, but, for some patients, lower back pain is an indication of a more serious ongoing problem. Degenerative disc disease is a condition in which the discs that sit between the vertebrae of the lower spine begin to wear down, creating instability in the lower back or neck. The body will try to compensate for the loss of the disc by creating bone spurs that can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves which leads to pain and numbness. This is the most common root of back pain.Causes and DiagnosisWhile degenerative disc disease is common as one grows older, there are also conditions and injuries that can cause degeneration of the discs to occur more quickly. Osteoarthritis, herniation of discs in the back and spinal injury are all contributing factors to the disease. Obesity and cigarette usage can also effect the health of the discs. The disease is usually diagnosed based on the patient's history and a medical exam. A doctor will look for limitations in the patient's range of motion and examine if damage has occurred in nerve function. After any other condition that might be causing pain, such as tumors or fractures, are ruled out, the doctor will usually diagnose the patient with degenerative disc disease and begin treatment.Treatment and OutcomesManaging pain is the most common method of treating degenerative disc disease. For some, pain can be alleviated with over-the-counter medication or physical therapy. When mobility is limited and pain is effecting the patient's quality of life, surgery to remove the damaged disc can be performed. Spinal fusion is also a typical procedure used to repair damage from degenerative disc disease. For the most severe cases, surgery usually results in a permanent decrease in pain and increase in mobility. While back pain can be severe, degenerative disc disease is a common ailment for which a number of treatment options are available to help patients remain comfortable and active.

What can cause back pain?

There are several things that can cause Back pain, from sciatica or a herniated disc, to kidney stones or fractures. It's best to just see a doctor, if your back pain continues with no relief.

Related questions

What is a grade 2 bulging disc?

back and neck

What is minimal disc bulge at t10 and t11?

Minimal disc bulging means that you are at the beginning stages of a bulging disc. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck and back.

Can you feel a bulging disc?

Yes, you will feel pain if you have a herniated or bulging disc in your back. You may feel the pain in your arm, leg, or back. You will also experience numbness and tingling and weakness.

How to Identify and Treat a Bulging Disc?

The pain caused by a bulging disc can be both intense and debilitating, and can be caused by any number of things. A bulging disc is essentially the bulging of a disc through the spine. Many people refer to a bulging disc as a herniated disc. While the two are nearly identical conditions, they are caused by two different events. A bulging disc is the result of a slow movement over time, often caused by age or activity over the course of several years. A herniated disc, on the other hand, is a result of one quick and traumatic action, often a fall or a heavy lift. It can be difficult to pinpoint the source of pain with a bulging disc, making it a difficult condition to both treat and diagnoses. However, the following symptoms are all common for sufferers of a bulging disc.Symptoms of a Bulging DiscBecause bulging discs can occur anywhere throughout the spine, symptoms can be present anywhere from the lower back all the way up to the neck. Most injuries occur in the lower back and are a natural result of aging. Lower back pain may radiate throughout the legs, making it a challenge to walk for long periods of time. If the bulging disc is located in the upper back or neck, pain might be more severe in the shoulders as well. For many people, there are no symptoms of a bulging disc, even if the condition has persisted for years. In these cases, the problem is only diagnoses after an MRI of the area.Treatment for a Bulging DiscBulging disc treatment can be a long process, taking months to heal completely. However, in most cases the treatment is very conservative. Most doctors will recommend alternating ice with heat pads to stimulate circulation and relieve pain in the area. Medication might be prescribed in order to reduce severe pain, or cortisone shots can serve as a more permanent solution to the discomfort. If a bulging disc has compressed nerves, pain may be so intense that back surgery is required, although that is a rare course of action.

How can I tell if back pain might be related to a bulging disc?

The only way you could tell is if you go and see a doctor. If the back pain is really severe, then you should definitely pay a visit to a doctor to see if it is bulging disc.

What is a disc bulging?

A dorsal disc bulge is the most dangerous to correct because of the spinal cord. The diffuse dorsal disc bulge causes pain in the side of the back, tingling in the torse, all the way to the lower extremities, and lack of strength in lower extremities.

How do you fix a bulging disc?

A bulging disc occurs when there is a tear in your vertebral discs, causing the inner soft portion to stick out, or bulge. You can get a bulged disc from injury to your spine - for example, like a car accident. If you have a bulging disc, you should get checked out by a professional. I had a friend who suffered intense back pain because of her bulged disc and resorted to natural healing methods which have helped her a lot. See related link.

What is the cause of lower back pain and what is the remedy?

Lower back pain can be caused by a number of issues such as a bulging or herniated disc, spinal stenosis or a pulled muscle among other things. Visit your doctor.

What is another word or term for a bulging disk?

A more commonly used term for a bulging disc is a herniated disc. This ailment may also be referred to as a slipped disc, ruptured disc, or protruding disc.

What is central disc bulge in L4-L5 and L5-S1?

A bulging disc is a condition that occurs when there is a tear in the outer ring of one of your intervertebral discs, causing the soft portion to bulge out and out of place. If you have a bulging disc, you should definitely get it checked out asap in case it gets worse. If you start feeling pain from bulging discs, I would suggest trying to use some natural methods to relieve the pain - I found some great methods that helped with my back pain - see related links.

Lower back pain below rib when lying down?

could be chronic arthritis, spinal istnosis, herniated disc, or muscle strains. Spinal istnosis is when something wrongs with the spine and herniated disc is bulging of lumbar disc. hope i helped!

What is a broad based central disc protrusion that is superimposed on moderate generalized disc bulging?

You have injured a disc in your back ( little shock absorbers between your vertebrae ), and it is bulging out at the site of the injury. Take care or it may become herneated or rurtured.