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Actually aquatic snails must breath out of water. They breath from the surface.

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No, they will dry up and die.

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Q: Can trapdoor snails live out of the water?
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Can snails live in water?

water snails but not regular snails

Do you need two trapdoor snails to breed?

The aquatic trapdoor snail is a livebearer. It needs two snails to reproduce, but it would be possible for them to be purchased pregnant then have babies on their own.

Can you purchase trapdoor snails online?

The trapdoor snail is not in every local fish shop so you will probably have to go online to find them reliably. These aquatic snails can be kept in both ponds and aquariums as a useful algae cleaner. To buy trapdoor snails see the links provided at the end of this page.

What is the type of water apple snails live in?

Apple snails live in freshwater.

How large do trapdoor snails get?

Trapdoor snails do not get that big. The largest one I ever saw was an inch around, but the usual is a lot less. When they are hatched they are really tiny and you don't even know they are there for few day.

Can salt water snails live in fresh water?

No. Salt water snails have adapted to salt water and always will.

Can fresh water snails live in salt water?

No. Salt water snails have adapted to salt water and always will.

What is the difference between clams and snails?

clams live in water and snails mostly live on land.

Do water snails live in saltwater?

du they do live in salt water

How do snail reproduce?

Most snails are hermaphrodites. This means that they are both male and female. All hermaphroditic snails can lay eggs. They can "mate" with themselves and thus only one can reproduce in an aquarium or pond. They also breed sexually as often as possible. Most snails lay eggs but some, like the trapdoor snail, give live birth. Trapdoor snails and a few other species of snails (apple, golden inca, four horned, etc.) are not hermaphrodites. They can only reproduce sexually.

Are land snails the same as ocean snails?

no land snails haft to live on land such as dirt and grass.but an ocean snail needs to live water to live.

Can saltwater snails live in fresh water?

NO they can not.