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No, trolls can only make themselves invisible. Only a few faery species have the power to change into humans.

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Q: Can trolls use glamour to make themselves look human like faeries can?
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What do bad faeries love to steal?

Bad faeries are said to love stealing shiny objects such as jewelry, coins, and trinkets. They are also known to steal small, valuable items from unsuspecting individuals. It's best to be cautious and keep an eye out for any mischievous faeries lurking about.

What are the Role of a fairy?

There are many different purposes of faeries. The more playful faeries might "borrow" your items, or play practical jokes. Most faeries form colonies and self-sustain. Some are surviving to protect their kingdom or their treasure. Not all are bad, not all are good, but their main and common goal is to stay hidden to the worlds eyes. To human eyes. Certain types of faeries wish to please each other, the nature kingdom and humans. These are most often flower faeries or holiday faeries. Harmful faeries often show themselves in the midst of an economic crises or a natural disaster.

Can faeries come in human form?

Yes they can. they can shape shift to anything they please.

How were trolls formed in WOW?

There is no definite lore in how Trolls formed, although it is known that they had a thriving Empire (Gurubashi) which existed long before any known Human or Dwarven civilization. The most commonly accepted theory is that the Trolls are actually one of the (if not the) oldest races in Azeroth, and they predate even the Elves. It is said that the Night Elves (back then still the Highborn) were formed from a tribe of Trolls who were transformed by their proximity to the Well of Eternity. Trolls themselves most likely formed from whatever humanoid proto-race that dwelled on Azeroth before.

Is there a way for people to perform faery glamour?

Fairy glamours are only performed by fairies on humans. We can not throw a glamour on anyone else nor can we throw them on fairies. It is however possible to throw a glamour over another human.

The trolls are evil and disgusting but do they seem mostly human or nonhuman why?

I believe that they are depicted as pretty human. They have full speech, though are shown using more crude language. And other than being large, they are in human shape, with only one head each, as opposed to some of the other trolls.

Has a troll eaten a human?

Trolls are purely creatures in fairy tales, but in many stories they have eaten humans.

Why do internet trolls so often hide under the guise of righteousness?

Because they are sad, pathetic human beings.

How many sweeps old is Gamzee?

All the trolls are the same age. 6 sweeps which is 13 in human years.

Can you put sophistication in a sentence?

In an era obsessed with celebrity and glamour, sophistication has come to be perceived as the most desirable of human qualities …

Are faeries evil?

uh DUH they act all cute and friendly but I KNOW THE TRUTH!!!! they want to kill every last human on earth and it will be done between years 2009 and 2012. their main hideout is William's house WE MUST DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY DESTROY US!!! Um Faeries first of all arn't real. Second some are good haven't you ever read the Faeries of dreamdark series??? And some are evil which you know...

How human beings have adapted themselves in the poles?

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