

Can calico cats be boys

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Yes they can, but male calicos are very rare. Calico is not a breed, its a coat pattern that needs two x chromosomes, in order to make a male you need an x and a y but sometimes ( every one and 3,000 ) you will find a male calico with two x chromosomes. If you are lucky enough to have a male calico they are worth thousands and thousands of dollars. they are nicknamed "million dollare cat" "money kittey" and "pay check cat"

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15y ago
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13y ago

yes a cailco cat ca have many boy kittens. but as far as them haveing a male calico kitten, it very highly rare. i have owned a callie coat cat ever since i could remember and she has had many kittens. but never once a calico boy. .... hope this helped you out


Sorry but that is not true. The reason there are no male calico cats is because the gene that is linked to the coat color is sex-linked to the female chromosome.

In certain breeds, such as Persians, there are tortoiseshell colored males but they don't have white on them. Tortoiseshell coat color is not sex-linked, but most of them are females.

No one should allow a cat to have "many kittens" for any reason.

Kaberle RVT

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13y ago

Following Genetics: NO.

The calico coat color is an effect created by a sex-linked gene on the X chromosome. This means only females can have both orange and black colors in the same coat (or orange and grey-tabby). (Because only they have TWO X chromosomes. A male has only ONE X chromosome, so he can be orange or black/grey, but not both.)


Girl XB XO (she is black and orange)

Boy XO Y (he is orange, not black)

Boy XB Y (he is black/grey, not orange)

A tortoiseshell (a calico without white) is the same thing - it can only be a girl. The white coloration in the calico is not sex-linked and is caused by a different gene. Thus, boys can have the white mixed in with their other color.

*The more white the female cat has, generally the more distinct the patches are (the less white, the more "mixed" or blotchy/blurry the patches are).

Following Genetic Disorders: MAYBE.

Technically, there is a disorder where an animal can have the wrong number of chromosomes. It is possible to have XXY (XX=girl, XY=boy)

XXY causes the animal to be male, but may have feminine characteristics and is usually sterile (can't have kids). With this case, it is possible you could find a calico or tortoishell cat with what appears to be male genitalia! I am only using knowledge about human conditions in this case, it may be that XXY is fatal in cats (but it's not in people).

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13y ago

It is possible for a calico cat to have a calico kitten. It is likely that it may have different coloured kittens as the kittens father usually another colour.

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15y ago

it can but only 90% of them are male (they are very rare)

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13y ago

Yes they can.

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12y ago

Male calico cats are very very rare.

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There is no official data as to the percentage of black cats in the world. There are millions of black cats in every country.

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This all depends on the genes the parents, and in some cases, the grandparents carry. Please note that calico cats are NOT a separate breed - it is just a coat colour.

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Orange cats can be either male or female. The only color that I know of that is most always female is the Calico color. Personally I have never seen a male Calico cat. Most male calico or tortoiseshell cats are sterile.

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