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That information should be in the contract. Normally 10 years is the break off point. Normally if you were in the Union and under your contract for 10 or more years, you should get your pension for those years. Still, the contract might have other provisions. It might not be a normal contract. You will have to read it.

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Q: Can union take away employee's pension for leaving union?
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my husband passed away on 6 11 08 and the AMO Union says I cannot get his pension for 20 years at the age he would of been 65 years old can you tell me why this is?

Your husband's pension is a benefit that was provided by the AMO Union. This benefit stipulated that his pension would be available to him at the age of retirement, which would in this case be 65. Because you are the bearer of his estate you get all accumulation from that when it would normally be provided to him.

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