

Can viruses only cause disease in humans?

Updated: 4/6/2022
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8y ago

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Viruses can affect animals, and some viruses can affect plants.

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Bennett Bode

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2y ago
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10y ago

No, most if not all animals are susceptible to viruses.
No they effect all living beings

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6y ago

No it can cause disease in animals. This is where Swine Flu came from. It jumped from animals to humans.

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Can viruses can only cause disease?

Viruses can affect animals, and some viruses can affect plants.

Do bacteria cause computer viruses?

No. Computer viruses are only called "viruses" by figurative analogy with biological viruses. And biological viruses (such as chickenpox, hepatitis, and the flu) are not the same as disease-causing bacteria (such as strep throat, tuberculosis, and lyme disease).

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it is a disease cause by virusesit is a disease cause by virusesit is a disease cause by viruses

True or false viruses can cause disease only in humans?

False. Example- apple trees are infected by the apple mosaic virus which causes the apple trees to produce less food.

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i am not that sure but the anwer isthere are three types of disease that i nofungi bacteria virous

How do humans harbor microorganisms without experiencing infection?

Humans have many organisms in and on their body that do not cause disease. These are called normal flora. We find them on our skin, in our noses and mouths, and in our intestines. They are harmless to humans because we are well-adapted to them; they benefit from us, and we benefit from them. If these bacteria or fungi end up in the wrong place, they can cause disease - for example, if our colon is perforated, bacteria may end up in the peritoneal cavity and cause severe infection there. Some organisms become problematic only when the immune system is impaired. Some viruses also infect humans but don't cause disease unless the person becomes immunocompromised.

How many types of the Influenza Viruses are there?

According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 4 types of Influenza viruses, but only three infect humans (A, B & C). Influenza D infects cattle and is not known to infect people.

How many types are there of influenza viruses?

According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 4 types of Influenza viruses, but only three infect humans (A, B & C). Influenza D infects cattle and is not known to infect people.

What does smallpox have to do with biology?

Biology is simpy the study of organisms (animals, plants, bacteria,viruses,funghi etc.) and by extension nature itself. Smallpox is a disease that affects only humans and is deadly, covering the victim in rashes and blisters that can cause blindness and limb deformities. And so by studying humans and the causes and effects of smallpox on them, one is studying biology.

Viruses only work through or go through Prokaryote cells?

No. AIDS is a retrovirus that affects humans, who are eukaryotes. Rhinoviruses cause the common cold. The list could go on.

What organs are infected by hiv?

Only humans can get the disease.

Can bacteria cause viruses like H1N1?

No, bacteria do not cause viruses.Viruses are a separate type of sub-microscopic organism that cause disease in animals, people, and plants. The only relationship between viruses and bacteria is that they both can generate disease (and both can sometimes be beneficial to man as well). If one is ill with a virus, the stressed immune system may make the person more susceptible to other infections, such as bacterial infections, and vice versa if one is suffering from bacterial disease, then opportunistic viruses may take a foothold and add to the complications of the sick person...but one does not causethe other. It may only allow the opportunity or conditions to exist for infection by the other.