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No, It immediately enters the blood stream then is processed through your liver. If your liver is impaired it can take longer. The alcohol rate of absorption is also influenced by whether you started drinking on a full or empty stomach. An average weight man can drink approx. 1.5 ounces of alcohol and process it within an hour. An average weight woman 1ounce per hour. Water will help prevent dehydration while drinking which is the main cause of a hangover.

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It is always good to drink plenty of water. Plenty of fruit and vegetables now to help your liver, the job falls into its long suffering lap to clean up your system. Water helps, but it cannot do the livers job.

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Q: Can drinking a lot of water flush alcohol out of you system fast?
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Drinking alcohol does not help get weed out of your system any faster than drinking water does. Just drink a bunch of water and it will get it out fast.

Why does drinking water after alcohol make you drunk again?

yes but only the morning after you pass out because the body is dehydrated and the alcohol isn't out of your system. Drinking water flushes the alcohol out which will in-turn make you feel a little bit drunk again. of course you will not be wasted but you will feel the effects of the alcohol again.

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No, you need to drain and flush the system.

Can water and fiber flush diazepam out of your system?

To flush the medication diazepam out of your system or any medication out of your system drinking a lot of water or tea is extremely helpful. Fiber can help but the water is the most important tool is the water, drink it slowly and consistently.

How do you get marijuana out of you system in 6 hours?

You can not get it out of your system that fast, but you can block it with flush pills or drinks. Drinking alot of water helps.

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I would not count on it.

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How do you naturally flush your system?

You can flush your system naturally by drinking plenty of water on a daily basis and eating healthily. If you stick to a water, raw vegetable and fruit diet for a few days, your body will get rid of built-up toxins.

How do you get weed out of system?

you can flush your system by drinking a lot of water for around five hours but you cant eat or drink anything but water or else the THC will get absorbed into your urine