

Can you add herbs to oil when deep fat frying?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Can you add herbs to oil when deep fat frying?
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Related questions

What is deep fat frying?

Deep fat frying is a cooking method in which the food is immersed completely in very hot oil.

What does friture mean?

Deep frying on top of stove (in fat)

Shallow fat frying calls for a quantity of fat how deep?

shallow frying means the food to be fried should not be completely dipped in oil while frying. For this, a flat pan is used rather than a deep bottom pan.

Advantage and disadvatage of roasting and deep frying?

Deep frying adds a lot of unnecessary fats and oils where as roasting lets the fat melt away

What are the 3 enemies of deep frying fat?

Heat, oxygen and time.

Describe different methods of frying?

There is sauteing where only a very thin film of fat is used in the pan. Then there's pan frying where enough fat is used so that it comes up halfway on the food being fried. Then there is deep frying where the food is submerged in fat.

What is a untensil used for frying foods?

There is more than one way to fry food, to fry means to cook in hot fat or oil, a frying pan or a deep fat frying pan are two utensils that can be used.

What are the different ways of cooking food?

There are lots of different ways, here are a few: boiling broiling frying sauteing dry frying shallow frying deep fat frying baking grilling toasting

What quality must a fat possess in order to be suitable for deep frying?

A high smoke-point.

Why are new potatoes not suitable for deep fat frying?

they are too soft and difficult to fry and hold shape.

Is Vitamin E readily destroyed by heat processing like deep fat frying?

yes it is true.

What is the common use for a chip pan?

A chip pan is used for deep frying. Most commonly they are used for frying chips (french fries) but are rapidly being replaced by deep fat fryers due to safety concerns.