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It is probably from implantation bleeding which occurs around 2 weeks after ovulation. Which is light and noticeable around week 4 (cause most don't know they're pregnant and are looking for their period) If it is brown, it is not fresh blood. You have no need to worry unless it becomes heavy and red w/ clots. I had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago so I know what to look for. You may also have cramps; I did not. But the bleeding was heavier than my normal period.

But like I said you have nothing to worry about unless you are in pain or the blood is red and/or heavy.

BTW Congratulations and I'm sure everything is fine :)

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Q: Can you be pregnant but have continuous bleeding early on. I am 7 weeks pregnant and have been lightly bleeding since week 5. I had an emergency scan last week and baby is fine. But why?
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Bleeding lightly and not on period?

Well, i know that if a girl is pregnant and she's "bleeding lightly" it's called spotting. There is nothing wrong when it happens.

Why are you lightly bleeding for 2 days at 9 weeks pregnant?

there is no reason to be bleeding at all while pregnant so contact your doctor immediately:/

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i think it's possible but after you have your baby u suppose 2 bleed

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You can get pregnant immediately after removal of the implant. Use another method if you don't want to be pregnant now.

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Bleeding lightly for a few days then it starts to get heavy can many a few things. It depends on your health and your medical history and you could also be pregnant.

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Scans dont always show anything until after 6 weeks.

What if your lightly bleeding after sex?

Most likely your condition is rare and should not be taken lightly. go to this URL for more (

If you lightly bleed one week after conception does that mean your pregnant?

Conception means your pregnant. But if you mean a week after sex, yeah you could be pregnant cuz it could be implantation bleeding where your fertilized egg attaches itself to your uterus wall

You had your period 2 weeks ago and now you are bleeding again but very lightly What is the cause?

i donot now the rethen

How can you tell the difference between your period and implantation bleeding or what does it mean if you bleed lightly between your periods?

If you bleed lightly during your periods it is probably because you are ovulating. The difference between a period and implantation bleeding is that a period is heavier and lasts for longer and will need a tampon or sanitary towel, but implantation bleeding is light, not constant and only lasts about 1-2 days. You only need a pantyliner

You are 7 weeks pregnant and you have had light mentral like cramps for about 4 weeks now you started lightly bleeding 2 days ago the nest morning you called your doc and she said to keep an eye on it?

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Light bleeding during pregnancy is a common occurance. However if your bleeding is red then its advisable you go to A&E for a ultrasound scan and necessary blood tests to determine whether this is a early miscarriage. Good luck x

You have been bleeding very lightly for 12 days?

i would go to the doctor because i don't think that's normal...