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Not at that young an age. You have to be 16 to apply for emancipation.

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Q: Can you become emancipated from your parents at age 14 or 15 in Virginia?
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Can you become emancipated from your parents at age 14 in New York State?

No, you cannot.

How can you become emancipated?

you have to go to the court first and ask them and you have to have a job and someone over the age of 18 an adult as i would say and they have to be a responsible adult at that then the court will decide if you can become emancipated you don't have to have permission from your parents to become emancipated just a court order that's it you have to go to the court first and ask them and you have to have a job and someone over the age of 18 an adult as i would say and they have to be a responsible adult at that then the court will decide if you can become emancipated you don't have to have permission from your parents to become emancipated just a court order that's it

What is the legal age to move out of your parents house if you have a baby in Arkansas?

18, unless you go to court and become an emancipated minor at an earlier age.

How do you become legally emancipated in Kentucky?

Kentucky does not have an emancipation statute. A person under the age of 18 can not legally emancipate himself from his parents. But - with the parents consent and a judge's approval in court, you can become emancipated in Kentucky. Actually there r additions to KRS 405 that allow for emancipation in Kentucky:

Do you become emancipated after delivery?

No, having a baby doesn't make one a legal adult. Until you come of age you are the parents' responsibility.

Can you become emancipated from parents if you are over the age of eighteen?

There is usually no reason to be emancipated once you reach the age of majority. And in most states that is 18. So either you live in a state were the age is over 18 or there is a court order. Consult an attorney for specific details in your state.

How does a person become emancipated when he or she is 18 in Indiana?

Why do you think you need to be emancipated at the age of 18? At 18, you

If you are 17 in Texas and have enlisted in the military with your parents' consent does that make you emancipated?

Yes, once a minor who is at least the age of seventeen, has received parental permission to enlists in the military or marry and does so, they become "automatically" emancipated.

If you are pregnant and under the age of 18 are you legally emancipated from your parents?

No, if you are pregnant and under the age of 18 you are not leagally emancipated from your parents at all until you are 18 then you can be on your own. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean your an adult.

If your parents kick you out at age 17 can you get emancipated so you can support yourself?


Do parents have rights over their child that joined the military at the age of 17?

No, they are emancipated

How old do you have to be to be emancipated in Oklahoma?

At the age of 16, if you can prove to the court that you have a way to support yourself you may become emancipated.