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yes, you can and the ball would still count as being in play, so theoretically the corner flag could get an assist for a goal, if you tried hard enough

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Q: Can you bounce a football against the flag poles in a football match?
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Most Poles unfortunately use England's Version saying 'football' or 'piłka nożna' (eng. football).

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a really good example is fishimg poles or a football goal

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Yes, based on what I have read about the Blitzkrieg, I think that the poles would be better being defended against.

What happens if like magnetic forces come in contact with one another?

If you put north pole against north pole it will repel and if you put south pole against south pole it will also repel but if you put north pole against south pole it will attract. This is because 2 poles will not attract the same poles but different poles will.

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To represent the movement against the British

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A cross country skiing boot. Along with the ski's amd poles that match.

What is inside a ball on top of flag poles?

There is one match and one bullet inside the ball on top of the American flag poles and a pistil under the flag pole. This is so that if we Americans were ever in the position where we had to surrender our flag we can first burn it with the match and then we can use the bullet to kill ourselves so we can not be taken hostage.

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He said yes.