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Yes you would get a boer pygmy

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Q: Can you bred a male bore goat to a female pygmy goat?
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Related questions

Which is more gentle with children a male or female pygmy goat?

a female

Can a boer goat mate with a pygmy goat?

Yes they can, however, Boer goats are generally larger than pygmy goats. So it is recommended to breed a female Boer to a male Pygmy. If it is the other way around, stay close to the female when she is giving birth as she may need your assistance.

What type of fluid does a pygmy goat heart pump?

Pygmy goat blood

How much is a pygmy goat?

Normally a male is about 250 dollars, and a female is around 500 dollars.

What to feed a pygmy goat?

We feed our pygmy goats Noble Goat. You can get it at Tractor Supply.

Is a wether goat the same as a pygmy goat?

Pygmy goats are a breed of goat. Wether goats are castrated male goats.

What is the most common price for a pygmy goat?

around £150 ($100) for a young pygmy goat

What are Pygmy?

Pygmy goats are a small breed of goat.

What are pygmy goats?

Pygmy goats are a small breed of goat.

Do female pygmy goats stop producing milk?

I am still learning about goats, but I do know that a female goat must be bred and have her baby before she will start producing milk. Not unlike any other mammal . . . I understand that pygmy goats have small teats and can be difficult to hand-milk, but there are milking machines that can be adapted to fit the smaller animal.

How much should you feed a baby pygmy goat?

you feed a baby pygmy goat about how much you think it should need and it is what the owner says when you get a baby goat.

What is the scientific name of the Nigerian Dwarf Goat?

The scientific name for a pygmy goat is Capra aegagrus hircus. They are also known by the names African pygmy goat and Cameroon goat.