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Definitely dude, you can catch mercer from kisses on the cheek because the saliva travels through your pores and sinks within the parotid and sublingual salivary glands causes extreme inflamation and infection. STAY AWAY!!

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Q: Can you catch mercer from hugging or kiss on the cheek?
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Going to have to work on getting him to feel the same way as you, can start out with being a LITTLE clingy with him, hugging him more, kiss on the cheek etc., it wouldn't hurt.

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its easier to kiss your gf/bf on the cheek if (in my opinion) your back is to a wall then kiss the cheek closest to u then the other

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Kiss her on the cheek

Does he love you if he kissed someone else?

It depends how and why the kiss was given. A kiss on the cheek, is much different then a tongue in mouth kiss.It depends how and why the kiss was given. A kiss on the cheek, is much different then a tongue in mouth kiss.It depends how and why the kiss was given. A kiss on the cheek, is much different then a tongue in mouth kiss.It depends how and why the kiss was given. A kiss on the cheek, is much different then a tongue in mouth kiss.It depends how and why the kiss was given. A kiss on the cheek, is much different then a tongue in mouth kiss.It depends how and why the kiss was given. A kiss on the cheek, is much different then a tongue in mouth kiss.

What is the difference between air kiss on the cheek and kiss on the cheek?

With an air kiss on the cheek, you're not actually kissing the person so it doesn't mean as much. But with a real kiss on the cheek you're actually kissing the person for real and it's more intimate than an air kiss.

How do you kiss at bedtime?

A kiss on the cheek is usual.

What comes after a kiss on the cheek?

A kiss on the lips

How is a girlfriend supposed to hug her boyfriend?

the way i always used to hug my ex is by seeking up from behind him and hugging him around the waist....then give him a kiss on the cheek ;) tehe they love that part ......hope i helped :)

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Yes ,he allows female fans to kiss him on the cheek.

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Yes ,he would allow you to kiss him on the cheek if you met him.

What does give a peck on the cheek mean?

it means a small kiss on the cheek.