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No,we can't because we already typed in what we wanted the person's name to be.

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Q: Can you change the name of the person who plays on your account on Webkinz?
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Who is the oldest person you know who plays webkinz?

I'll be honest, the oldest person I know who plays webkinz is me. None of the kids in my grade 7 class play it, but I'm a fanatic. :-)

What is noah cyrus's secret code for webkinz?

"Noah Cyrus" is not a Webkinz so he won't have a secret code. Also, we don't know whether or not he even plays Webkinz and if he did, he probably wouldn't want children taking his account.

What is miley cirruses webkinz user name?

Not every celebrity plays Webkinz

How do you do plays on webkinz?

First, you have to buy a Webkinz at a store. Then, you look at the tag on the Webkinz, and go on After that, click on new user. Last register your Webkinz.

Do the people that invented Webkinz have Webkinz accounts?

if they are older then 10 no if they are younger then 10 yes What? No that is SO not true! You can enter your birthday and make it go to age like 100! Anyway, sorry for yelling... but I'm 11- almost 12 and I STILL play Webkinz. My friends Mom plays Webkinz too. So maybe they don't have an account, or maybe they do, but they still have a way of doing things.

If neopets kill your Webkinz will your Webkinz come back?

Um... Neopets don't kill Webkinz... and plus if that was happening then GANZ would stop it because- even my 2 year old brother plays it and he'd be crying like he's been shot.

Hew is the best soccer player that plays for Italy?

I am not a soccer person, but that could change from year to year.

Are there any good sites on the internet to find plays?

i dont know about actual plays with real people but on there are alot of good animations. and some with people acting out webkinz or LPS.

What do you call a person who plays the guitar?

A "harmonicanist" is what a person who plays the harmonica is called.

Are you too old for Webkinz at 11?

No I am 13 and I'm still playing with Webkinz. You can play with them forever, or until you feel your too old for them, not because someone tells you to quit playing with them. My friend still plays with baby dolls and shes 17.

What person plays harrys owl?

No person plays Harry's owl, an owl plays Harry's owl, Hedwig.

Does the person who plays katniss really love the person who plays Peeta Mellark?
