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For a fasting blood test, you generally should not consume or drink anything after midnight the night before.

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Does a CBC require fasting?

A CBC test (Complete Blood Count) does not require fasting unless the doctor has ordered other tests and the office tells you not to drink or eat the night before.

Can you drink herbal tea the night before a fasting blood test ie mint tea or cranberry tea?

You should not have any herbal tea to drink before a fasting blood test. You should not eat anything either. A few sips of water is ok but nothing else.

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No. The test is a fasting blood test so you don't eat or drink anything before the test from midnight the night before until the test is done. Best to do the test first thing in the morning.

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If you drink the night before a blood test would you liver enzymes show high?

yes it will

Is fasting required for blood work?

Yes, usually your doctor will ask you not to eat anything after midnight the night before you are to get your blood tested. The test gets more accurate results that way.

Can you drink water during Ramadam?

Yes, a Muslim can eat during the night from sunset until just before dawn

How should patients be prepared for a lactic acid test?

This test requires a blood sample. The patient should have nothing to eat or drink (fasting ) from midnight the night before the test. Because lactic acid is produced by exertion, the patient should rest for at least one hour before the test.

Can you drink alcohol the night before a blood test?

Yes you can. The blood can be filtered to remove the alcohol. This is according to LifeStream, the organization I donate through.

When should you drink a red bull the night before a football game or just before?

Just before is best it if u drink it the night before It won't do much if you drink it before it will give you a burst of energy and focus because it has taurine

Is it wise to drink the night before a physical?

It's never wise to drink.