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It will most likely help dull the pain but it's probably not a good idea to drink alcohol when you have holes in the back of your mouth so I'd have to give it a thumbs down.

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Q: Can you drink alcohol when wisdome teeth are remvoed?
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Is beer bad for teeth?

Your alcohol consumption can make it harder to keep your teeth healthy. Studies link gum disease with drinking, and researchers have recently discovered that the more alcohol you drink, the more at risk your gums are. And if you already have gum disease, continued alcohol consumption can accelerate the stages of the condition.

How old should you have a wisdom tooth?

im 12 and im getting my wisdome teeth. But it's rear so if you do get them at that age. your very lucky

How long until getting teeth pulled can you smoke cigarettes or bun weed or drink alcohol?

If you brush your teeth regularly, it shouldn't be a problem. Stains maybe.

What drink is worst for your teeth?

Beer or any alcohol substance, acidic fruit juices and drinks with a high sugar content.

When can you drink alcohol after having wisdom teeth removed?

Only after the gums have healed. Alcohol causes the place where teeth were removed to dry up,"dry socket", and it can be very painful.

Can you drink alcohol the next day after you have your wisdom removed?

The second day after a wisdom tooth extraction, the wounds are still healing. Drinking alcohol is not recommended until the mouth has completely healed from the wisdom teeth extractions.

What kind of ice cream can you eat after wisdom teeth removed?

just vanilla or something plain, with no lumps or chunks of anything

What drink is the worst for your teeth?

Answercoffee Gatorade is also very bad for your teeth. It will dye your teeth the color of the drink and it erodes enamel quickly!

what effect does fizzy drinks have on teeth?

it doesnt harm your teeth to have a fizzy drink once in a while but if you drink them too often, they can rot your teeth

Can use rubbing alcohol to whiten your teeth?

No do not!!!

What drink is the wost for your teeth?


What is jedwards favorite drinks?

john and edward grimes favourite drinks are.. water,slushies and smoothies and tea they dont drink alcohol and hate coffee becuase it could stain their teeth