

Can you drink green tea when fasting for blood tests?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Can you drink green tea when fasting for blood tests?
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Can you drink unsweetened tea when fasting for blood work?

NO 95% of fasting tests require nothing but water and the amount of toothpaste it took to do your teeth in the morning.

When fasting for blood work can you drink milk?

No, it is generally recommended to only consume water when fasting for blood work. Milk contains calories and nutrients that can affect the results of certain blood tests. It is best to follow your healthcare provider's instructions for fasting before blood work.

Which blood tests need fasting?


Is it appropriate to have a fasting blood test when you are on your period?

Yes it is appropriate to have fasting blood tests during periods

Does a CBC require fasting?

A CBC test (Complete Blood Count) does not require fasting unless the doctor has ordered other tests and the office tells you not to drink or eat the night before.

What tests are commonly performed on blood plasma?

Fasting Blood Glucose Lipid Profile Fasting Blood Glucose Lipid Profile

What blood tests for dogs and cats require fasting?

Blood urea nitrogen tests require a 12 hour fasting before hand. Preanesthetic blood work requires a fasting before hand also. Most all blood work requires a 12 hour fasting before hand.

How long after a fasting blood test can you eat?

After a fasting blood sample you can eat immediately.

What are the blood tests that require fasting?

To check diabetic profile

Which blood tests require you to fast?

for lipid profile require fasting blood sample (atleast 12-14hrs). fasting blood glucose. etc. etc.

If you fast too long will the blood test be invalidated?

It depends on the type of blood test. For fasting sugar tests it can have an affect. Fasting longer than 12 to 14 hours will cause your body to start utilizing glycogen that is primarily stored in your muscles and that can affect blood tests for fasting sugar.

How will eating before a blood test effect your blood sugar levels?

Eating before a blood test will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. That is why they are referred to as "fasting" blood tests, meaning you are not supposed to eat or drink anything but water before having them.