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Yes you can. People used to drink the equivalent of half and half all the time because they didn't filter their milk like we do now. It's good for you and some say you can actually lose more weight by drinking half and half instead of 2% or skim because your body absorbs it better and makes better use of it.

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13y ago

no, but do it gradually that's the key- start low and go to high and stir continuously at higher heat..when it smokes take it off the heat; i wouldn't boil it. If you are adding it to other ingredients make sure that you heat it first and that the other ingredients aren't too acidic as this will cause it to curdle as well.

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10y ago

No, once it is spoiled, you can't really use it for anything.

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Q: Can you drink half and half instead of milk?
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What a cappuccino?

In Starbucks, a cappuccino is espresso with half steamed milk and half foam. For wet cappuccinos, its more milk and dry cappuccinos have more foam.Cappuccino is an Italian coffee-based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and milk foam.

Do Milk Really Keep your Bones Strong?

No, its all made up, drink lots of soda instead, there are more nutrients in it than milk.

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I'd use milk first (skim, reduced fat)